Nautilus DMC 2BA
Price: $600
Based on 9 reviews
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Don't judge a detector by it's looks
Max Depth: 13 inches on US quarter
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Yes, absolutely!
Rexy from
Dana Point Ca
One great relic hunter
Great on Brass, Forged Iron and all other metals.
It is important to remember not to OVER POWER the site that you hunt with high voltage that this machine can offer. Some sites can take the 44 volts and some sites cant, the site that I am working on allows me a setting of 25 volts and a desc setting of 30 for hand forged Iron and still I can get small buttons at 9 inches or better.
I use a 6 inch and 10 inch coil. Learning curve is not bad, just read the manual and follow the directions to a more productive hunt.
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Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Northern Relic Hunter from
First time out on a worked out beach (dry / damp sand, it don't like the wet) which may produce 2 coins per trip, and within 45 mins had 9 coins in half the time, COINCIDENCE? Maybe, but just went back again today and pulled out 11 coins.
Seems the 11ba gets more coincidental each time its used! More powerful than other machines, worked out sites are now worth a visit, this is by far the deepest machine I have ever used, and no mistakes on target I. D. At real depth, how can this be, for a machine that looks like it was built on blueprints thirty years old! But its easy to use, a real depth monster, and its not made of plastic. Nautilus totally rocks. Worth 10 stars,
Overall Rating
Lord baltimore from
North East England
A meterless believer
Overall Rating
Reggie from
Southeast Louisiana
Like any professional grade equipment the IIb requires some familiarity to tune for the conditions. The importance of tuning the coil to the box cannot be over stressed, herein lies the secret to the fantastic depth in all soils. By the way,No detector works better in highly mineralized soil than a Nautilus. I plan on testing the DMC IIBa (automatic tune) soon, my buddy will probably buy the automatic version. I will probably stick with the IIB since I am very comfortable with using it, and I manually control it. The automatic will appeal to newer users.
Nautilus owners don't necessarily want everyone to find out just how much better they perform for fear of more competition. Especially the serious civil war relic hunters. Nautilus has dominated this area for almost three decades, and these guys only use what works.
I have found and dug silver dimes regularly at 12"-16" here in NC. I dug several hundred copper roofing nails scattered at a depth of 20"-24" on a hill side (erosion buried them that deep)while looking for the location of an old court house. Quite a few people with detectors and some archeologist searched this site previously and could not locate it. Someone told them I knew where the building site was located and I presented them with some copper nails, they then asked me to show them exactly where I found them. This site was from the early 1800's. There are still copper nails to be found and I like the look of people's faces when their detector finds nothing and mine gives a good signal. I save this site for brand braggers, a few have bought Nautilus. LOL
Overall Rating
Chris Powell from
Linden, NC
Need the Nauty
Overall Rating
Maynard Brown from
Richmond, Virginia
Nothing compares at any price!
Overall Rating
John Samsky from
Manassas, Va.
Whites users are fooling themselves
Ok, I lied, some specifics/comparisons anyway: .58 Cal minnie with whites = 1 to 7 inches, nautilus = 1 to 11 inches. Eagle coat button with whites = 1 to 6 inches, nautilus = 1 to 10 inches. Silver quarter with whites = 1 to (maybe) 7 inches, with nautilus = 1 to 11 inches (easy!). VERY stable in mineralized ground, the whites is just no competition here. In very ferrous house sites the whites drops off at 2.5 inches, the nautilus will still penetrate 6+ even with a 10" search coil.
Overall Rating
Relic8hunter from
Prince William, VA
Fantastic Brass Machine!
I went digging near my home in Northern Virginia at the site of an early war Federal camp which I have searched dozens of times before. The finds are now few and far between, but it's close and there's always something I missed. Within minutes, I found a near perfect General Staff button, followed quickly by a N.Y. Coat button. I hunted for about an hour and a half, and my finds also included a bayonet scabbard tip, 2 plain eagle buttons, a .32 Smith & Wesson complete cartridge, a knapsack hook, and 7 dropped minies. All of the objects were 5" - 8" deep. There is no way in the world that I should have missed these objects in the past, but it convinced me that the Nautilus is truly a better deep seeking detector than my White's. It was also very stable, and I hunted with the power near maximum without any false signals or chatter. All in all, I may be selling my DFX in the near future! I don't see how anyone could build a better machine than the Nautilus.
Overall Rating
Rocky M. from
Fairfax, Virginia