Good Places To Go Metal Detecting
Here's some ideas of places where you can go detecting: But don't forget to follow the Rules and Regulations if such are known or posted.Backyards - your own, your friends, or neighbor's
Look for - old clotheslines, tree swings, flowerbeds, porches, walkways to outhouse
What you'll find - depends on how old the land is that the house its on. Coins, relics, jewelry, bottles, maybe a cache?
Beaches - local beaches, town beaches, ocean beaches.
A good selection of beaches on the East coast.
Look for - where most people congregate during the busy season
What you'll find - coins, jewelry, watches, relics depending on location.
Parks - city parks, old parks, old ballfields, picnic areas, campgrounds
Look for - large trees, places lovers hide to get away from the crowd
What you'll find - coins, older coins, maybe jewelry
Playgrounds - city playgrounds, old playgrounds, sandboxes, swings
Look for - grassy areas, old trees, shady spots, unpaved parking lots
What you'll find - coins, kids jewelry, toys, wedding bands, watches
Woods - local woods, stone walls, foundations, cellar holes
Look for - new paths, old overgrown paths, search near the road, hiking trails, old wagon roads, foundations, old cellar holes
What you'll find - coins, bottles, relics depending on location
Fields - old farmfields, tobacco fields, cotton fields, cattle, sheep, any farmfield
Look for - go after a heavy rain, the main entrance to the farm, if you hit on a coin thoroughly search that specific area.
What you'll find - prime spot for older coins, relics depending on location, artifacts
Riverbanks - old marinas, old ferry launches, old fishing spots, old swimming holes
Look for - broken pottery and glassware, iron debris, old bridges
What you'll find - prime spot for older coins, relics, buttons, bullets, sinkers, indian artifacts
Research Your Spots
Find old postcards or maps. Read historical books or biographies. Visit your local library. Ask the senior citizens about the good ole days. Ask about the old swimming holes.
Get Permission
Written permission from private landowners is best.
If you would like to suggest a spot or add something to the page.
We are always happy to hear from you.