Whites Classic ID
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12 reviews
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Great lil scout machine
July 18, 2017
I have it in the trunk of the car, its my go hunt machine if you find stuff
in a park then I come back to that place with the bug boys, buy it if less
than a 100, you can bill mod it to compete with the big guns, awesome iron
discrimination, depth is 6 inch to 8 inch depends of soil condition.
Max Depth: 18 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Juan from
Whites classic id
October 11, 2015
I have a Classic ID Whites detector for several years, and have found a
lot of money and jewelry. It has always given good service and I am content
to keep using it instead of up-grading to a newer model. Thanks to Whites
for this detector!!!
Max Depth: 5 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Danny B from
Great Machine
March 30, 2012
I originally bought my Classic ID last year for $175 in mint and barely
used condition. I'm pretty much a beginner and felt this a decent price to
get started with. The machine is very light, easy to swing, and once you
learn the LCD display screen readouts, very easy to understand. It has two
presets, and comes ground balanced. You don't have to waste time trying to
"dial it in" like other machine. turn it to "P" and go! Let me say this,
the machine is a coin shooting monster.
Once you learn the discrimination mode and different sounds and chatter,
you will become a coin probing expert. Depth is air tested at 4"-7", but I
have found coins (at) 8"+ in wet soil. If you are looking for a simple,
inexpensive machine, that performs to the max on finding coins and other
trinkets, then this is the machine for you. I love it, and would not trade
it for anything.
Overall Rating

Sean from
Dayton OH
Review Classic ID SL
March 04, 2012
I have found over the last year that this machine is not real sensitive in
our soil. . If I hunt in discriminate mode,,,even low disc. setting I do
not get much signal beep on silver Quarter 6 inches deep and silver dimes
at about 5 in. deep,, The signal meter LCD bar graph reads all over the
place when sweeping over a quarter or dime. . Maybe a 9. 5 inch search
coil would help. . I have never found anything over about 3 to 4 inches
Overall Rating

James yoast from
November 12, 2011
I have had my classic ID metal detector for about 8 or 9 years, I use it at
the jersey shore in the salty air year round, I have left it in my trunk
over the winter and come spring it still works fine. Also a ton of fun and
good exercise.
Overall Rating

Don from
New jersey
Whites classic id
October 19, 2011
My first medal detector and its AWSOME!!! HIGHLY RECOMENDED.
Overall Rating

Jayden from
Classic id is five stars!
June 06, 2008
I purchased my Whites classic id 5 years ago and have found everything you
can imagine with it. Everything from an 18k Rolex, gold and silver coins
and rings. This detector has made literally over $20.000 in worth and I
hunt the lamest places. You can take this detector to the beach and it
filters through the saltwater wow! I purchased a Minelab Excaliber for
$1.200 and was so disappointed with it's performance that I sold it on ebay
for $800.00 dollars. Even though I lost $400.00 I was happy to get back to
using my classic id because it's so easy to use and doesn't have a thousand
bells and whistles. It's quick and simple reads deep and is an all around
detector. "I will never buy any other detector unless it's whites and
that's not until my classic or I become extinct.
If you have any questions about this detector you can contact me at
metaldetectorman@hotmail.com and we will talk! The most amazing thing is
that I found more stuff with my classic than I did with that $1.200 dollar
piece of boat anchor they call a minelab excaliber. Thanks Whites!
Overall Rating

Robert Miles from
Warrenton Oregon
Third whites and last
October 28, 2007
Overall a good machine but have had some serious problems with humidity.
The body being metal has problems with condensation causing the machine to
short out. I have contacted the people at whites about this and apparently
it only me, but this is the third machine I've had that has reacted this
way. While the guy I work with use much higher end machines this one finds
stuff fast, they do find stuff behind me but usually at much deeper depths
than I can detect. overall a great machine for dry climates, not the deep
south in the summer.
Overall Rating

Patrick from
Norcross, GA
Classic id alberta
February 28, 2006
I originally bought the classic id as a starter machine and have never had
to upgrade .This machine is simple to use, has awesome presets and has
never let me down.Well worth the price and then some!!!
Overall Rating

Darren Seguin from
Alberta, canada
Classic ID
October 19, 2005
The Classic ID is a great metal detector it has two main controls. The
sensitivity and the discrimination and real long battery life 70 hours.This
is a good metal detector.
Overall Rating

Sean from
Waxahchie, tx