JW Fisher Pulse 8X Pro
Price: $1500
Avg. Score:
Based on 1 reviews
Based on 1 reviews
December 14, 2006
I recently purchased a JW Fisher Pulse 8x and decided to run a stability
test. In the past I had owned a Garrett PI unit and I was very pleased
with the sensitivity. Its ability to detect was impressive. However, I
did experience one problem that proved to be quite annoying, the ability to
maintain a threshold setting. I found that I constantly needed to retune
the unit every five or ten minutes.
With the Pulse 8x, I tuned the unit one time setting the threshold slightly
below .2 and just before full quieting allowing only a slight audio tone to
be heard. Honestly, the stability to hold at this setting was as solid as
a rock for over eight hours of operation. I did not need to retune once it
was set. I have a planned trip coming up this month on December 28th to
South America. I will post another thought once I see how well it holds
true to the test. NORMAN
Overall Rating