Pocket UniProbe
Price: $300
Avg. Score:
Based on 3 reviews
Based on 3 reviews
Love It
June 08, 2012
I have had my pocket uniprobe for 3 years now and I love it. It works
fantastic. My only problem with it has been that the cable in the
connector backed out a bit and lost contact, sent it in and got it back
within a week no charge due to it being under warranty, it promptly did it
again but this time we fixed it ourselves with a small 0-ring to hold it in
Overall Rating
Rebecca from
The Pocket Uniprobe Rocks
April 15, 2009
Best pinpointer I have ever owned. 3.5-4.5 inches on coins, very easy to
use, and good build quality. Turns on and off with a flick of a switch,
doesn't wear out. It also has the ability to use ear bud headphones so you
can hear the pinpoiter underneath your primary detector headphones. I
actually like this model better than the headphone Uniprobe because you get
to choose whatever primary headphones you want and still can hear the
pinpointer loud and privately through the ear buds. There is also a loud
speaker option on the Pocket Uniprobe which is not an option on the
Uniprobe headphones. I like the Pocket Uniprobe better than the Detectorpro Pistol Probe because you can lose the pistol probe easier because the Pocket Uniprobe is clipped snug and strong to your waist where as the pistol probe is a loose handheld pinpointer. Plus the fact that the pistol probe looks similar to an actual gun which might get you noticed or maybe into trouble in crowded places. Finally, I like the Pocket Uniprobe over the Sunray probe because although the Sunray probe gets about the same depth as a Pocket Uniprobe, the Pocket Uniprobe can be used in conjunction with ANY and ALL metal detectors where as with the Sunray probe you have to commit to a SINGLE compatible detector or you can't use it. However as with all the other high end, high performance pinpointers, the Pocket Uniprobe costs a lot. If you can get a used one for $180 or less then I say go for it.
Overall Rating
Charles from
San Francisco
Best pocket probe I've ever used.
May 01, 2008
I have been using a Tesoro DeLeon and a Fisher 1266X for years, and using
hand held pinpointers with some success. After my last vibrating model
finally died, I mentioned that I was going to get a Uniprobe, but couldn't
afford it. My wife, quick to pick up on my needs... grinnn.... contacted a
local dealer, Gene Scullion of Badger Metal Detectors in Monona, WI and
ordered my unit. Gene also makes an adapter plug that allows the Pocket
Uniprobe to be connected directly to my headphones through the detectors
circuits. That way, I turn on the Uniprobe and the detector circuit is
blocked and all I hear in my headphones is the signal from the Uniprobe.
I attached the small Maroboro hard pack sized (a little bigger) control box to the stem of my detector having installed a leather loop on the stem for the Uniprobe's belt hook to go through. Then, a strip of velcro taped on the stem of the machine below that and the Uniprobe's wand is kept attached there until needed. It's not nearly as complicated as it sounds. Anyway, the Uniprobe is a PI detector. It is powerful enough to detect coin sized items at 4 1/2 to 5 inches. Much more powerful than any other pin-pointer, but costs much more money too. Detector Pro even sells a full sized coil to go with the unit if you want a PI for salt water beach work. I highly recommend this unit if you can afford to buy one. I've never seen one discounted, but who knows. The more sold, the price could come down. Lets hope.
Overall Rating
David in Madison from
Madison WI