Minelab GPX-4500
Price: $5000
Avg. Score:
Based on 2 reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Took the plunge and upgraded to GPX4500
July 16, 2011
Have used a SD2100 for over 8 years, found many small gold nuggets with
it.GPX4500 used a 8 inch monoloop coil, deadly on small gold sub 1 gram pieces. Can work directly under powerlines now, can eliminate Electro interference from nearby telecommunication towers.
Went to old gold patch that I previously found gold on and had not found anymore gold with the SD. In approx 3hours found 11 pieces for 2.5 grams of gold. The GPX4500 amazed me because I had searched this area very thoroughly. Note - I could not use the monoloop coil on the SD2100 I had to rely on a DD coil (11inch) at this patch, because the ground noise and interference 'swamped' the SD2100 detector.Not so with the GPX4500.
Overall Rating
Clay Base (Scott) from
Victoria, Australia
GPX-4500 review
June 04, 2010
One of the best performing detectors for finding gold. I have used every
model of minelab detectors and find that this is one of the best. It has
more features than the previous models including digital control. If you
get confused with the setting up it can be set back to factory settings by
holding the power switch on for 5 seconds. I upgrade these detectors for
prospectors around the world.
Overall Rating
Detectormods from
Melbourne Australia