Whites Coinmaster GT

Avg. Score:
Based on
5 reviews
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Coinmaster gt
October 01, 2016
The Coinmaster GT does go very deep but the audio is noisy and squawky so
you will need to learn the difference between the good and bad sounds of
the targets. If you have been using a Classic III, II, or I you will notice
a big change in the target recovery time. The GT is a medium sweep detector
with a slow recovery time. It's big positive is that it is a deep detector.
Max Depth: 9 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
No, not really.
Reddirtfisher from
Whites then, now and always
March 22, 2016
I have been swinging a Whites detector since I was 16 years old. I am now
54 years old and still carry a Whites. The Whites CoinMaster GT was the
natural choice when it was time to upgrade from my Whites ID. The GT gives
me the depth that I was looking for, without spending big money for it. The
controls are easy to understand and use. The depth, again, is absolutely
brilliant. I am finding coins, buttons, and other treasures at deeper
depths than any of my other Whites detectors. If you are looking for a
serious machine without laying out the big money, you can't go wrong with
the ConMaster GT.
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Tom Lynch from
Hampstead, NH
Whites coinmaster gt
April 06, 2015
I've had a lot of metal detectors, but having confidence in what your using
makes all the difference. The Whites Coinmaster GT has given me that
confidence. Easy to use and adjust to. In May of 2014 I found a 1864 L
Indianhead penny in near mint condition. Also that day I found a rare Cival
War 3 ringed sniper bullet. I'm sticking with Whites detectors from now
I was hunting with no discrimination and with the coil that came
with it.. Ready to go right out of the box..
Max Depth: 12 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Daltondetonator from
Chattanooga, TN.
Great machine!!!
June 17, 2013
This detector works great and is also my first VDI machine. It has all the
features of most top of the line detectors and is way ahead of it's class.
This detector is exactly the same as the White's Prizm 6T.
What I
liked about it, was the auto ground track feature. Seems to work well in
Virginia's mineralized soil and detects plenty DEEP! Having major fun with
this machine. Way to go White's!
Max Depth: 12 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Greg from
Coinmaster gt
April 07, 2013
Just got my White's Coinmaster GT today. Needed and upgrade as I had been
using a White's Classic II for years. On my first day out I found a a
quarter and penny in my front yard. My husband and I then decided to go to
the school yard near our home. We had not been there 10 minutes before we
found a 1936 walking liberty 50 cent piece and a 1943 silver quarter. What
a couple of great finds on our first day!
We also purchased the
White's bullseye pin pointer which helped pinpoint the locations. Detector
is easy to operate right out of the box. I am totally sold on the White's
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Susan from