Nokta Velox One

Nokta Velox One Price: $629
Avg. Score: 5 stars! 5
Based on 1 reviews

Avg. Durability: 5 stars!5.00
Avg. Ease of use: 5 stars!5.00
Maximum detection depth

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Nokta velox one

August 07, 2013
I have found the Velox One to be just what I was looking for in a metal detector. I find it well balanced and a pleasure to swing. It performs well, looks good and simple to set up the controls. Ground balancing is easy, after a few seconds of switching on I have it running silent.
The signals are good and clear, its easy to distinguish between the low iron grunt and the good signal of a possible good find. The Velox does have three tones but I only listen for the iron grunt, any signal but that low iron grunt I dig it.

Depth wise, well, some Velox videos show tremendous depths, I haven't found this. Bearing in mind when a company selling their detectors they set up perfect ground conditions to show depths, so, in perfect ground conditions I think it would find those depths. Most depth I've been finding goodies is around 10 inches. Maybe I'm not walking over anything deeper as I have dug iron over a foot deep. Around 10 inches is a good depth. There again, it all depends on the ground conditions.

Weight, its a tiny bit heavier than what I have been used to, but I can go 8 hours without any discomfort, if I'm feeling weak I always have my detecting harness. The recovery speed is how they advertise it, very fast indeed, no problem detecting iron contaminated areas.

The battery life is as they say. I have been detecting two 8 hour day sessions with no need to recharge the battery. The settings I mostly use if ground conditions allow are: Sensitivity 9. Iron Disc FS. Ground Balance 6. Iron OFF. Signal Audio 2.

My honest opinion, in my experience using the Velox One, everything I had seen and read about it is true. I find it a great machine. As I said above, I've yet to get those great depths they talk about, but it is deep enough to be up amongst all the other machines for the price and most important for me its not complicated. Really its an easy switch on and go machine. I'm enjoying it and have no plans to get rid of it.

Depth on a coin Depth Max Depth: 10 inches on US quarter

Overall Rating 5 stars!
Durability 5 stars!
Ease of Use 5 stars!
Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!