Whites Coinmaster 6000 Di Pro SL
Price: $500
Avg. Score:
Based on 2 reviews
Based on 2 reviews
Avg. Durability: 4.00
Avg. Ease of use: 3.00
Great detector
February 01, 2019
Yes, it's heavy, but it's worth it to me. I've had this machine for many
years and even though I own others, this is still my favorite. It's not for
the beginner as a first detector. There is a lot to learn, but once
learned, you'll find most anything and everything you want. It's also, in
my opinion, just as good as most of the new digitals on the market and
better than quite a few.
Max Depth: 14 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
No, it's too complic
Scott Biggs from
Snohomish, Wa.
Wow amazing detector
November 07, 2014
This detector will ID in every mode but pinpointing. Most accurate coin
depth reading of all my past detectors. Yes it is heavy. The trade off is
worth it to me. Yes there is a pretty severe learning curve to me. This
detector rocks as far as finding coins where I have hunted same site with
15 other top of the line detectors. Once learned. It is so good. It excels
at finding coins other detectors dont.
It give me a response that I can identify with. When the tone is smooth even at depth dig. No emi. iIssues some of my other had. My opinion is really one of the best detectors ever made. Also being honest. There is a two dollar regulator in this detector burns out. Whites had it fixed and on its way back home the first day they received it.
Max Depth: 12 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
No, not really.
Bobby Minnick from