Vibra-Quatic 2 Pinpointer

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Vibra quatic 2 pin pointer
June 23, 2017
++excellent and sensitive pulse pin pointer probe, in dry and wet mediums,
I make target locations with my F-75LE detector then I use a small blade
shovel to get to the indicated depth, then use a large plastic scoop to
capture the smaller targets, which I can then identify the target, so as
not to create a nasty hole or cause damage to the artifact, I have
retrieved things as small as the tip of a pin at several inches other
larger items up to several inches in depth depending on the size of the
IT is not a hammer and should be cleaned in fresh water, and stored after use without the battery...It has out-performed all other pinpointers using a fresh strong 9 volt in the field...
Max Depth: 5 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Jerry from
Vibra-quatic 2
October 16, 2013
I will post my review here since this is the Vibraprobe 580's bigger
brother. After reading all the reviews for the 580, this is what I consider
to be the performance for the Vibra-Quatic 2 in a saltwater environment.
First of all, the 2" tip seemed large at first, but after using it, it
seems to be fine considering it requires some movement (a slow sweep speed)
over the target. The tip does not get in the way of finding the object,
even the smallest of ones such as ear rings, 3mm lead split shot, or the
same size piece of aluminum foil or can slaw.
The sensitivity is very good, I got 1/2" on the above very small targets. That's acceptable, if it falls through the sand scoop, it's going to be close to the surface. The tip is durable and can be pushed around in the sand until the target is identified. 1 1/2" on a dime, 2" on a quarter, and up to 4" on larger objects. That's all the depth I need in a pinpointer. It does not turn off automatically like the 580, but I prefer that as it is easy to turn off when you are done.
I use it while hunting underwater with my Excalibur II, and since most targets are recovered just from pinpointing with my detector, the Vibra-Quatic only comes out when a very small object needs to be located. Super long battery life, even using NiMH rechargeables. I am very happy with it, with no complaints whatsoever.
Max Depth: 2 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Suncoast Kid from
Florida, USA