Minelab Klondike
Price: $450
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Minelab klondike metal detector
February 27, 2017
The Klondike was introduced shortly after the well received XT 18000. It
was overshadowed by the success of the XT 18000! It is a capable Detector,
with AGB (automatic ground balance) and AGBT (auto g.B. W/tracking) You can
also use it with a fixed g.B. Motion and non motion. (both adjustable
It has the following settings:
Volume Knob (Min/Max) and On/Off Soil Switch Normal/Difficult Soil Sensitivity Knob (Min/Max) Threshold Knob (Min/Max) All Metal/Disc. Knob 1-8 Click on /off A.M./Disc. Sound Switch Enhance, Normal, Boost Ground Balance 3 way switch and reset Switch (AGB/AGBT(tracking) Fixed/Motion/Fixed/Non-Motion) Headphone output: 1/4 inch Mono/Stereo Operates on 8-AA Alkalines. 8" DD SuperSearch Coil I have found this detector to have both excellent depth and it has a Staccato iron I.D. On disc Number 1 that works very well!
Excellent Gold Detector with better depth than the XT 18000, in my opinion and it has Disc!
Max Depth: 12 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
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Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
VHS from
K. Falls, Oregon