Minelab GO-FIND 40

Avg. Score:
Based on 3 reviews

Based on 3 reviews
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Better than you think
March 15, 2020
I have two Garrett ace detectors. My Go Find 44 will air test better than
both the aces. It's deeper in the ground to. I am not knocking the aces,
like I said I have two of them. Just getting the facts straight. The Go
Find series is definitely flemsy looking, in my opinion but they are better
detector than you think they are. I have proved this time and again in my
test garden. I like there performance a lot.
Max Depth: 10 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Cwreid from
Allen ok
Go find 40
June 17, 2016
Just used in panama city beach. Wife loved it, SHE FOUND A RIND, PENDANT
Max Depth: 5 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Ralph Hambelton from
Panama City Beach
Go find 40
October 27, 2015
Flimsy, and my ace 150 beats it on depth the go find 20 can only be worse.
Max Depth: 3 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Steve from