Aquastar II
Price: $2000
Avg. Score:
Based on 2 reviews

Based on 2 reviews

One fine pulse detector
September 14, 2010
I have had mine for a few years now and though I don't use it as often as I
used to, I just don't see where the 1st post on this is fair. So here is
mine. It is a hip mount detector so weight isn't a problem. I has a watertight case which is good to 200 feet and I don't doubt it one bit. Yes, it finds all types of metal as it has no discrimination, but it finds it all as deep as any pulse detector. Rings and nickels at 15" are no problem, and it gives a nice loud tone as it loves gold. I can't even use this detector as much as I would like to, due to too much trash in the local waters that I often detect. I have to often use a waterproof Sovereign, but when I get way out at very low tides, where there is less trash, I will use this pulse gladly. Well made and very capable of finding the goods, just expect to dig trash, as with any pulse.
Overall Rating
John in Ct. from
Aquastar II
September 22, 2004
I have found gold rings with this unit but it is to
heavy and loves nails And Iron rubish my cuda cost less and is much easier
to use and will out shoot
this unit by the end of the day with total gold ring count and less iron
junk. Overall Rating
Jack from