Discovery TF 900
Price: $600
Avg. Score:
Based on 2 reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Tf-900 discovery
February 21, 2010
This is the junk king of detectors. You have to constantly set the
groundbalance. The autotune is a joke it makes the detector more unstable
by constantly changing the threshold. It will not go as deep as advertised.
It is basically impossible to set up for optimum performance. The controls are so sensitive that they change their position as you walk with it. Don't waste your money on this one.
Overall Rating
Tf900 user from
February 20, 2009
I use a land detector and recently got into underwater detecting. My
girlfriend and I enjoy them both so much I bought her her own machines.
Having nice amounts of time off work. I decided to take the plunge and get
a deep 2 box detector. After talking with Tony at Kellyco I decided to buy
a TF900. Well I had the ability to do some scouting on some old property
and I started to use the deep detector to go over the land after I used my
regular land detector. My first find was not to great an old engine block 4
feet down. My friends had a hell of a chuckle on that. I live in a house that is about a hundred years old and going over the yard I found an open cavern or cave like signal. I dug up my own yard a little and low and behold found a old maybe forgotten bomb shelter inside were some very old medicine bottles, papers from the early 1920s. It was a big deal for me. I then later was going over some land behind an old building on my property and got a good hit solid signal. I couldn't resist and began to dig and ended up unearthing a Massive cannon ball safe. I am sending pictures of all of this to Kellyco. We are currently working to open the safe now. I found the unit to work well is simple and appears to be of very good construction. So far I give it all thumbs up!
Overall Rating
Ed Miller from