Minelab Safari
Price: $1000
Based on 26 reviews
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Bad @ss machine!!!
The only thing I can say bad about it is the damn thing eats batteries like no other but what do you expect it runs 28 frequencies so it is a work horse!!
Max Depth: 18 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Jason from
I can't say I've mastered the Safari yet but I get better everytime I use it. I've used it on the beach and ran it at max sensitivity with no falsing in the wet sand, found a mens Titanium ring at a measured 14", I was very impressed with that. It works very good on the beach or on the land. My jewelry finds have increased since I got the Safari. Found my 1st gold ring about 2 weeks after I got it. Also recovered a Silver Tiffany ring my niece lost 5 yrs ago.
Overall Rating
Lou from
New Jersey
Minelab safari
Very easy to use, if your a beginner the pre programmed modes are great. I would recommend this detector to anyone who is dedicated to the hobby. If its in the ground, the safari will find it. Minelab winner!!! I personally wont ever want to sell mine as its fantastic, hope this helps! John
Overall Rating
John from
My Minelab Safari
I am amazed how sensitive it is and this is the most difficult thing for me to get used to with this detector. I have found items an 1/8" inch in diameter 2"-4" down. So my Garrett Pro Pointer was essential once my Minelab found the target.
I have also purchased a SEF 18" X 15" coil and a 6" DD coil too. Both have really aided in open woods hunting and trashy areas. One target I found was 14" down while using the 18" X 15" coil.
In summary the Safari is really easy to use and I am convinced I will not miss anything within range of the coil I am using.
Five stars all the way!
Overall Rating
John V from
My Safari
I haven't made it to the beach yet but I'm planning that really soon. I love this detector and while typing this I really would like to be detecting. This is a well made machine I get about 2 full days on my batteries and it didn't take me long to learn it. I highly recommend this unit.
Overall Rating
John Mills from
Midland NC
Great Machine
The first year I cashed in over 300 dollars at coinstar, not including the rings and other finds. I have paid for my machine over the past 3 years from the finds. The safari will keep up with the explorers and other high end detectors with a little time on this machine and it will be a deadly silver finder.
Dont expect to go to a park that was built in the 70s and pull out silver coins, location and research is the key. People that complain about aluminum cans don't have enough time on the machine, through the tones and id numbers I can tell exactly if its a penny nickel dime or quarter ect. For every 70 to 80 pull tabs you dig you will get a gold ring.
All in all I would recommend this machine to any one wanting to start out in fbs detector. In fact I have cashed in my gold and just purchased a E Trac!! Once you go Minelab you'll never go back to another brand.
Hope this helps.
Overall Rating
CoinMan from
Good but not brilliant
The Safari was bought to replace a Garrett Ace 250 (fitted with the 9" x 12" coil).
I covered some areas which had previously been searched with the Ace 250, I fully expected to find good targets the Ace had missed... Sadly this wasn't the case. The biggest difference I find is the ability to quickly identify targets as Junk and keep moving, this allows me to cover more ground in a given time. There are times when it fools me, but not too often. The hardest junk targets to identify are aluminium cans squashed "end to end" to form discs and also aluminium bottle tops.
The areas I feel poor are:
1. Battery consumption, a Garrett Ace will run for a couple of days worth of detecting on an average set of 4 rechargeable NiMh cells, the Safari needs 8 cells and just about manages 6 hours on 2 year old 2000 mAh NiMh cells (measured at 1400 mAh). So factor in a new set of batteries or two.
2. Rain ingress: The manual suggests the Safari is OK in light rain with the optional control box cover. What about heavy rain? Do we pack up and go home? The optional cover should give protection in heavy showers!
3. If you are used to dismantling your detector to fit it into a rucksack forget it with the Safari, it's designed to telescope the shaft and fit into a large bag rather than removing the shaft and disconnecting the coil from the control box. It can be done but not as easily as with a Garrett Ace.
On the plus side:
1. I don't find the weight, or balance, too much of a chore and I've not got the strongest arms around.
2. A combination of tones and target ID work most times to minimize digging junk so I can cover around twice the ground in a given amount of time compared to the Ace I previously used.
3. Initial target location is generally very good, the pin point works well.
4. Works to good depth, I am recovering copper and silver coins in the 9" to 12" depth range in moderately mineralized soil.
Overall Rating
Dave from
Northern UK
Minelab Super Metal Detector
I love this machine, and can't wait for spring.
All I can say of bad things, is it bit on the heavy side. But I am young, and strong like a bear. :o)
Overall Rating
Jesper Andersen from
Easy and accurate
Amazingly short learning curve! Everything I read told me to be prepared to spend weeks "learning" the other machines. Not with this. Turn it on and go. I have hit many coins and pop tops (as expected).
The family laughed at me until a lady ran up and said her husband had lost his wedding ring and could I help. Found it in 30 seconds. Accurate, easy and worth the money.
Overall Rating
Curly from
I also noticed that the U.S military uses minelab....whites detectors are OK, minelabs are by far the better and safari is a wonderful piece of equipment. Extra $$$$.... but well worth the investment, it is also weather friendly, hope this helps.
Overall Rating
Eddie from