Minelab GO-FIND 60
Avg. Score:
Based on
14 reviews
Avg. Durability:

Avg. Ease of use:

Not good.
January 03, 2016
I borrowed a friends machine just because I was curious about the new
Minelab 'Go' range. Within an hour I'd given up on it. The reviews so far
have already summed up the performance, depth, durability etc so I won't
add my tuppence worth.
All I will say is don't waste your money. The
Garrett ACE 250, Teknetics T2 and Minelab Xterra 70 are all in the same
price range and will out-perform this machine in every way.
Max Depth: 4 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
No, not really.
Stu from
Devon UK
November 05, 2015
This is not a well built machine. It has no numerical read out does not
identify targets well. Is hard to pinpoint being a square coil. (that may
be on me because off the pack of practice with this model.) Not impressed
at all. It did find some deep targets but so did my old BH tracker IV back
in the day. I bought this for its portability but for the price there is a
lot better machines out there. Actually a lot of machines for a lot less.
This is a poorly made over priced toy.
Max Depth: 6 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
No, not really.
Keith from
It s a joke
October 17, 2015
It's just cr@p, sent it back after a while. And got me a CHEAPER and much
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
No, not really.
Marcs from
Go find
August 10, 2015
Cheap and nasty Toy comes to mind I think minelab could of done a lot
better in the strength of this machine like the etracs and explorer models
in the plastic. For one the arm cuff that you side up after a while it
splits and the bottom shaft is not locked to the middle shaft which just
swings about it's a shame that this is a bad design by minelab it's
properly their worst yet which is not good for the best and most expensive
machines on the market, so come on minelab sort it out.
Max Depth: 9 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Waggman from