Fisher Coin Strike

Fisher Coin Strike Price: $1000
Avg. Score: 4 stars 4.2
Based on 30 reviews

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Overall great detector

June 02, 2011
I have had my coinstrike for 8months now, but have put well over 300hrs on it and really like it. I had used a cz70 pro prior to owning this one, and I can say this probably goes deeper but you will definitely dig more trash.
I have found well over 100 silver/old copper coins, this is a killer on old pennies, solid signal, I once dug a wheatie 8-9in directly underneath a large root, solid 28 signal, most iron can be avoided by sweeping from diff. angles, although rusty bottle caps wont disc. but will have very jumpy signal.

FYI, I have had the same 51 signal on deep targets, kept digging and found deep wheat pennies numerous times. Has to be turned down around power supplies, but will still go deep on lower settings. You cant go by the listed numbers for silver, it will always read lower than it says on unit. I have found that if you dont have fresh batt. the unit will not do well on anything, although you will get 6-7hrs of good batt. life.

Pinpoint is dead-on, depth meter is good, although changes depending on what threshold is on. Great machine after you put about 30hrs on it to get used to what it is telling you, I wont be changing anytime soon.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Nice machine

June 02, 2011
I have owned my coinstrike for about 8mths, and logged well over 400hrs on it. I have found many silver/old copper coins with this unit. I had previously used a cz70 pro, but this one is quite different. It does go very deep, I once dug a wheatie 8in down directly under a large tree root. Extremely good on old pennies. solid 28 signal on all but the very deepest cents.

My best silver find has been a 1841 O half dime, dug from about 7in. and those are tiny. It does have to be turned down around power supplies, but will still go deep on lower settings. Very good pinpointing and depth meter, although depth number will be different depending on what threshold setting is on.

Most iron can be avoided by sweeping from diff. angle, but old bottle caps will still come in but with very jumpy signal, or high signal (36 or higher). You cant go by the numbers on the unit for silver, unless it is less than 2" deep. any silver coin with depth will read about 5-7 numbers lower than it says on the top of unit. Very sensitive to batt. life. Will not work well on old batt. After 6-7hrs replace, even if it still says 8V.

Can be noisy in very trashy areas, lower settings and you can still pick out the high tones. I never run mine lower than -5 thresh. Always lower sens. before thresh.. Threshold is what really gives you depth. You will dig more trash with this, but should find more treasure too, becuase most of the good stuff is under new trash. I have heard of some new machines (minelabs) seeing "through" iron targets to coins underneath, not sure I really believe that but who knows.

Overall I love my machine and wont be changing anytime soon. Other than the coils, I have only used the stock 8". Eager to see how deep the 10.5 goes.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Works like a champ

December 03, 2009
The first thing I noticed about this unit is how noisy it is but that is because the internal gain is so cranked, once it is adjusted correctly it works very very well, I took it to the beach to test its abilities and it was completly silent in black sand and hit targets very well at imressive depths and had no problems with hot rocks, I now have all of the coils made for this machine and that makes it very versital it even hits gold that was a suprise overall a very impresive unit to say the least. I LIKE IT!!!!

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Coinstrike is the Best

May 25, 2009
I have owned about 5 different metal detectors in my day. I've had a White's XLT, Whites Classic 4, Tesoro Cibola, and a Minelab Xterra50, never really found anything too fantastic. So to make a long story short, I purchased a Fisher Coinstrike and I can honestly say it is the best detector I have ever used. I have found more old coins with this machine than all the others combined. I have never had a machine find such DEEP coins. I just don't understand negative reviews of this machine. It is just amazing how good it performs, In one outing I dug 2 mercury dimes and 2 Indian Head pennies that averaged about 7 inches deep, and keep in mind this was in an area we have done hundreds of times before.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Coinstrike a keeper

March 01, 2009
I have had this unit for a while now about a year and if you read the instructions it is easy to use and set up a custom program for it. I really like the way it works in mineralized soil really wet or dry or at the freshwater beach. The only place I have had any problems with it is around satelite dishes and service entry power for my house.

It is fairly deep and accurate, it is noisy but you can tell the difference between a target and false sound, also I read where some of the fisher users think there units go deeper than other detectors! That is not the case I have several different brands and the deepest unit for a VLF when cranked up all the way in all metal mode is the Garrett GTI 2500, also I have read several tests that state the same facts, remember it has to be cranked up all the way in all metal mode, still I really like my Fisher, also I read where some Fishers can't pickup a coin directly on the ground, I have had the same problem with my other VLF units, they are overloaded from ground mieralzation very common problem.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


I like it!!!

September 29, 2008
After reading some bad reviews on this unit I can see how frustrating it is to use but you have to learn to hear through the noise and listen for good targets this guy is not for everyone, I own a Garret GTI 2500 and a Minelab Eureka Gold all three detectors go to about the same depth with the Minelab being the most sensitive to everything, really fast reaction time and recovery to targets, you can get some false readings with the Coinstrike but so does my GTI 2500, read the users manual and practice adjusting and using different settings for the Coinstrike and you will find it works very well it runs very hot even when adjusted down, you can set the sensitivity to 2-4 and not loose any depth.

It is a much harder machine to learn for most people, I had no problems with my used one so if you have one keep trying different settings until it works for you, I can see how hard this guy is to use you can get easly discouraged using the Coinstrike it is not user freindly, but I am a very persistent person, so you have to be kind of dedicated to like the Coinstrike like I do!!!

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Newbie, but I love my CoinStrike

March 23, 2008
I went on a metal detecting trip and wound up using the tour operator's CoinStrike instead of my Minelab Advantage (I just couldn't set the Minelab to discriminate very well). Within a day, I was doing pretty well with the CS, and after the week was over I came home and bought my own "like new" model. This year went back on the detecting treasure hunt, and found I've gotten really good at recognizing the sound of a good target; the numbers weren't always consistent but I'm still learning how metals and size of the artifact/coin make things sound different. The CS really does tell you very well if you've got iron, and this year I was also better at picking a good target out from the middle of junk/iron. I dug very little junk, just occasionally a large DEEP piece of rusted iron would keep me digging. I used some settings recommended by other CS owners, no notching, and found the machine was just really nice, easy for me to use, and pinpointed well too. I love the hip mount feature, and rigged up an old fanny-pack with a hole in the bottom for the cable. It was nice because it came with its own little gadget bags on the side. I have VERY little detecting experience, probably only 110 hours, of which 100 are with the CS...but I have no plans to switch machines in the near future. Also, you can get VERY good deals on lightly-used CSs...and they're built very tough too.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Fisher Coinstrike

February 08, 2008
I have been using this unit about 1.5 years only in the warm months though, this unit gets very good depth on coins relics, unit is jumpy if not set right, you must try to keep your threshold close to 0 as possible unless you have to much interference in area then go to minus -5 -10 -15 or -20 if you have to only and turn down your sensitivity until stable it is better to keep threshold close to 0 for best depth or a bit pos and turn sens down to 4 or even 2 this will get you the best depth I think, this is where a lot of users have a problem saying the unit is unstable, you must put some time in to learn this machine to let you know its language. The unit ground balances very nicely, just be sure area is clean, pinpoints well I just added a clear sticky tab on pinpoint button now I don't have to keep looking for the right pad I can feel it with my finger, unit goes thru trash very well, the sweep speed is great on this unit you can go fast or slow and lose no depth, using the 5 inch coil is a killer on coins in trashy areas, in iron I noticed deep iron would read number 51 on the meter would dig to china sometimes without finding object, balance and built quality is excellent on this unit just wished they would of put a pinpoint button like the cz 5 but I fixed that problem a bit, all in all I feel it is a very good unit, I would rate it 4.5 if possible I rated it a 4 only because of the pinpoint button and getting 51 readings on large iron but would hit these very deep once you know the unit you would avoid this anyway when you size the object when pinpointing, also good you can chest or hipmount unit, I would recommend this detector to coin and relic hunters....

Overall Rating 5 stars!



January 20, 2008
Some background on machines I have owned, Garrett GTAX750, GTAX1250, GTI2500. Whites MXT, 2 XLT's. Fisher CZ6a, 1280x, coinstrike, Gemini. Minelab Explorer XS, 2 Soveriegn XS, Musketeer advantage. I metal detect every day the weather allows. The coinstrike was a disapointment. The audio had a tin sound to it with a delay, the beep would be delayed slightly after the sweep. Nothing like the CZ's I have used. Also it would ID every single steel bottle cap as a quarter, from any direction. This I would be able to tolerate, as some very deep machines have this trait, but this machine is not very deep. 5 inches max on a dime in my ground. To be fair i may have had a dud machine, some people have had excellent luck with this detector. There may be a wide variation of quality out of the box with this detector. But I will never spend the bucks to find out.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Coinstrike A Couple Of Years Later

July 15, 2007
I had one of the first Coinstrikes and had some success with it and gave it a favorable review. I took one on a trade last year and hardly used it. I just got my third Coinstrike and I have used it hard for the last 6 weeks. I am recently retired and I hunt about 5 times aweek so the newest CS has got a workout. First, don't make this detector more difficult than it is. It is really simple. I have a set it and forget approach. I hardly ever vary from these settings. I won't bother giving these settings as they seem to work great in my ground. I have never used a detector that is so sensitive to checking targets from different angles. This detector will high tone and get great numbers with your first sweep. You will swear that it is a good coin and dig a pull tab. If you check from a 90 degree angle and the tones and numbers stay close to the same, dig it and it will almost always be a coin. This is not any news that doesn't pertain to any other detector, but with the CS it is imperative. If it is not just about exactly the same, it will be junk. So far as depth, I routinely dig 8 inch coins with a couple deeper. The key is a slow sweep and don't listen for a banger signal. I have found a signal that pinpoints deep and repeats from all angles, but might have a number of say 18 or 19, you better be digging because most of the time it is a coin.

A tip here is open the plug and rescan. A good coin will get a better number and tone. No detector will accurately id a coin from these depths all the time. Here is another tip. Do not notch anything out and go right in to the heaviest trash with a slow sweep. It is noisy, but listen for the high tones. If you sweep slow enough, this detector will separate good targets from the bad an inch away even with the 8 inch coil. This type of hunting is not for people who like silent search. If you can get use to this type of hunting, you will start making great finds.

A couple of weeks ago I hunted a park pavillion that is probably the trashiest spot I can think of. Here were the first five finds: two indian heads, two old wheats, and one barber dime. I know I have been over this spot with Explorers, CZ's, DFX's, and many other brands including my first CS. All these coins were 7 to 8 inches deep and surrounded by trash. They all repeated and pinpointed in the 30's. So far as the pinpointing, this detector is the best I have ever used. Lastly, if you are in fairly clean ground, don't hesitate to hunt in all metal. Again, slow sweeping is a must and I have found coins over a foot deep. The CS still gives out numbers in all metal, but it is only a single tone. I believe that the Coinstrike is the most misunderstood detector in recent detecting times. Keep it simple and don't make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


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