Troy Shadow X3

Price: $850
Avg. Score: 4 stars 4.25
Based on 12 reviews

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Troy Shadow X3

November 17, 2004
Had one and traded it, bad mistake. It is one of the best "turn and go" detectors I ever used. Good depth and range of finds from gold to silver.

It ran so quiet that I often had to recheck the machine to make sure it was still running. And really well built, I wish some of the other manufactures would take the hint and fit and finish their machines like this one was.
I will have another when the right deal comes along. New ones.....A bit overpriced !

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Troy Shadow X3

October 26, 2004
A super coin hunting machine with good depth, light weight and the ability to identify nickles and high-end coins, while using low discrimination.

Overall Rating 4 stars


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