Garrett Ace 150

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35 reviews
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October 27, 2016
Had the ace 150 for a little over a month and its my first detector and I'm
hooked! I've found dozens of coins earliest being a 1911 Australian penny
about 7-8" in my own backyard I've found a silver pendant on a cricket
field about 4" and also a lot of junk but its all part of the fun you just
have to be patient and get familiar with the tones and not get frustrated
be patient. This machine is great and cannot wait to find my first bit of
Max Depth: 8 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Liam from
The best starter machine around.
January 03, 2016
I'm surprised at the negative reviews of the Garrett Ace 150. For the money
(around 90 UK pound) it's unlikely you will find better. The Ace 150 is my
back-up detector, I use it when I feel like a change or when beach
detecting as it tolerates wet/damp sand far better than a lot of
higher-priced machines. Yes, the target recognition is not always correct
but even Minelab and XP machines get this wrong from time to time and yes,
sometimes being a single-tone machine it takes a while (if you are new to
detecting) to figure out which targets are worth digging and which to
leave, but we have work this out with any detector we buy.
I like
the fact that it's a simple switch on a go machine. Choose a mode, set the
sensitivity and away you go. Again, for the price it's a surprisingly deep
little detector and can easily find a coin on the beach at 8" deep. Even
though I've got my eye on a new back-up machine I won't be parting with the
ACE 150. For someone just starting out in the hobby you can't go wrong with
this detector and it will pay for itself in no time.
Max Depth: 9 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Stu from
Devon Uk
Garrett ace 150
October 29, 2015
Great machine deeper than my f2 light and easy to use, I use it mostly on
beach, great on land, easy on batteries. All the detector I'll ever need,
get headphones with volume control though its loud.
Max Depth: 11 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Dan from
Garret ace 150
October 25, 2015
I've had quite a few detectors, and had a loan of ace 250 for months, the
ace 150 is brilliant, exactly dame coil frequency, and depth, I've tested
both, and a honest email from garret said same, pinpointing and couple of
extra modes is only difference, I love the ace 150 it works in wet sand if
I knock one bar off sensitivity, I will upgrade, but wouldn't have anything
else for back up. Great.
Max Depth: 10 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Steve from
Good dry sand machine
March 01, 2015
This machine excels in one place and one place only - The dry sand. There
is no pinpoint feature on the machine so you have to do the X marks the
spot technique. You also get the bare minimum of target information (5
sectors: iron, nickles, pulltabs, rings, coins. And depth gauge) However if
you live near a beach and have a spare $150 then this machine will serve
you well as long as you search the dry sand!
Max Depth: 4 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
No, not really.
Joshua "Whiskey5jda" Anderson from
Ft. Worth, TX
Not much yet
November 27, 2014
I got the ace 150 about 6 weeks ago. Found a lot of junk and one ring. I
haven't had the ring checked out but it looks cheap. Headed to the beach on
Monday I'll see what I can dig up there. Still good exercise.
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Bikertrash from
Central fl.
Excellent all rounder.
July 29, 2013
I have been through a few detectors and have ended up with an XP Deus,
which I really like. My 2 sons showed interest in detecting but having had
an Ace 250 in the past, I was a little bit concerned about getting a 150
for them. I needn't have worried.
On our first outing,
incidentally on the beach, this amazing little detector performed
absolutely superb. The boys were picking out coins in the dry and wet sand
without any bother whatsoever. I had a little go with it too and was very
impressed. I won't be getting rid of my Deus for one but I must admit to
wondering why I have spent so much on a detector when the Ace 150 performs
as well as it does.
Hugely recommended over anything on the
market. We used it in All Metal mode and swapped over to jewellery to
confirm a good target. Sensitivity was set at one bar below maximum with no
problems with falsing on the wet sand.
Coil does need to be just
barely off the wet sand to avoid any false signals. Good repeatable signals
are the one's to look out for.
Max Depth: 8 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
Yes, absolutely!
Mike from
Inaccurate readings
April 23, 2013
Getting hits as coins that turn up as junk, IE. Pop can pull tabs, old
barbed wire. It does turn up coins too but it's a real gamble what your
going to get. A lot more junk than coins or jewelry. Very frustrating to
Overall Rating


Ease of Use

Would you recommend this to a new user?
No, not really.
Bill from
December 17, 2012
For the most part I really don't understand why metal detector are so
expensive, all of them have a small electronic card that are very easily
made (in China) and the wands are nothing new, this is actually old
technology, so when I see these huge prices for these things it make me
want to cringe and forget this as a hobby, I purchased two very good used
units from two different manufactures only to find both had the exact same
electronic cards in them.
These hobby hunting devices are way over priced, sorry no more for me.
Overall Rating

Peter Allen from
Riverview Florida
Great machine
August 15, 2012
Great machine, looks nice, works great, pinpointing is easy, don't listen
to all those ppls, who write its a hell to pinpoint, its a lie, give it
some time, and you will be master of it, I'm going with minelab or garrett
ace 250-350 for next machine.
Overall Rating

Sayid from