Minelab Quattro MP
Price: $900
Avg. Score:
Based on 40 reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Avg. Durability:

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People who don't like it...
August 05, 2009
....did not take the time to learn it well. It took me six months to be
able to understand and use this machine's full capacities.I can run with the sens at 20 (max) on the wet salt sand, with little, if any, falsing. It finds coins and rings at up to 14* inches with ease and will outclass any other vlf single frequency and even PI units as far as results per hour of searching are concerned.
A thing people fail to understand with that kind of powerful units, is when to LOWER the sensitivity. This, plus the noise cancel feature, are to me the two keys to successful detecting with the Minelab Quattro.
Of course, this unit has a slow recovery time, but "fast sweepers" don't find as much, or miss more if you prefer, than slow, careful and meticulous searchers, so who cares?
Mine has repaid itself several times in gold.
Happy hunting !!
Overall Rating
Nick hunter from
Pretty like Christine yet simple powerfull detector
July 04, 2009
Well I've had a few detectors in my time and the quattros one of the finest
in my opinion. Its simple, powerful, deep and pretty. Just like Christine.
It has mystery looks and performance. Love the coin and jewelry combo and
great coin machine as well. Sweep rate is a bit slow and processing at
times but it makes up in power and simplicity. It loves quarters and silver
and sure is pretty. Can't wait to hit the beach with it thats where I hear
its a monster.
Overall Rating
Jo from
Minelab Quattro
June 12, 2009
I have this detector used it at Newport beach in Rhode Island to many false
signal interferance with other detectors tried different settings on it I
have owned the explorer and two whites I wish I never bought it if your
looking for one its up for sale hope this helps you.
Overall Rating
Dave from
Rhode Island
Thats it !
June 10, 2008
I c'ant say something bad about this Quattro , its just easy to work and
always fine when you find things that other dont find cause the depth is
amazing with the Quattro.Overall Rating
Andy from
Brussels BE
Quattro MP: Great Detector! Replaced my Whites 6000 Di Pro
June 01, 2008
I've owned this detector for about a month now and had it out twice. I
bought it to replace my 22 year old Whites 6000 Di Pro (which still works
great too). The second time I had the Quarttro MP out was in a small park.
I found several pennies, a quarter, a silver necklace and my first ring!
I've read many unfavorable comments about this detector which are all
unfounded. Yes, one does have to "slow down", but I'm finding as much or
more even at the slower speeds as opposed to my old detector. I've noticed quite a few more signals when detecting too. I've read some reviews that say you can't separate signals in high trash areas or signals that are close together. This isn't true. You CAN! Some people may not be used to selecting what they can reject/accept in small increments. The Quattro allows a person to reject a range of specific items. For example, a pull tab may register a "range" of numbers. With the Quattro you can pretty much reject different levels of pull tabs if you like or all of them for that matter. This helps when a nickle may "overlap" with a pull tab on the scale. You can reject the majority of pull tabs, but still accept most nickles because you don't have to reject the full line of pull tabs like you do with other detectors. Other detectors cover a broader range of discrimination when you select one item/number to reject.
In addition, I think most people are used to setting their discrimination pattern to reject everything below a certain level or they just "black out" everything on the lower end of the scale. The Quattro can do this, but then you would miss all the other signals (rings, other jewelry, etc.).
I like the fact that I can "micro-manage" my detector's accept/reject pattern. Why would you want to hit a button and reject "large blocks" of items when you can just "micro select" specific ones?
Overall, this is an easy detector to use. Take it out of the box, turn it on and start detecting. It has great depth (Only taking this detector out twice, I found pennies at 6+ inches with the stock coil.). It is easy to use, good quality, and nice features. The only things I would change about it is that it needs a back lit display. The display is hard to read when detecting into the early evening hours.
The bottom line is if you are thinking about this detector. . . buy one! It will take a little bit of learning to get used to (what detector doesn't require this?), but not like other people are saying that it has a steep learning curve. It is simple to use, but also gives you the ability to make adjustments. If you want simplicity this is it, but if you also want to "micro-manage" your settings this is your detector too. Minelab's Quattro MP is a great detector!!! For all you people out there disatisfied I'll buy your detector for what you think it is worth and sell it for what it is worth. ha!
Overall Rating
Greg from
Pittsburgh, PA
April 28, 2007
Only three things you need to know to find coins in coin mode. Slow the
sweep down, slow the sweep down, and JUST SLOW THE DARN SWEEP DOWN!
Overall Rating
Harry from
Vancouver, Wa
I paid for learning...
December 28, 2006
I bought this detector to save money, but instead it costed me let's call
it learning money.It promises to be a powerful machine, but the machine has huge problems with mineralization at the beach. I had the luck of trying out an Explorer II after having searched a month with the Quattro and I immediately sold the Quattro and bought me a really good machine: Explorer II.
One advice: if you really can't afford Explorer II, then buy the Souvereign GT: more (analog) power for less money...
Overall Rating
Anonymous from
From Average to Outstanding !
November 21, 2006
I own a Bountyhunter Time Ranger and a Minelab Quattro! The first times I
went out with my Quattro, i used the preset programs COINS and COINS &
JEWELRY! I found that the quattro didn't perform a lot better than my Time
Ranger! Not until I started to search for my own program :Program : All Metal
Discrimination : -10 to -5
Sensitivity : 16 or more (depending on conditions)
Threshold : 8
Volume always Maximum (20)
High or Low trash density (depending on conditions)
Ever since I've found a lot more valuables at greater depth than before! So deep, most other detectors wouldn't find!
For me, QUATTRO RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall Rating
Fred Deburghgraeve from
A Costly Mistake
September 19, 2006
All in all I have to say that the Minelab Quattro has to be the worst unit
that I have had the displeasure to use. Contrary to what everyone else
thinks, this detector simply does not perform "in any ground
conditions".Where I live we do tend to have some mineralization, but with all my other units that I use, I have never had a problem with depth. However the Quattro was costly mistake to make on my part, as it barely goes beyond 2" in my ground, even with using tips & tricks widely posted on the Web.
Do yourself a favor, and take the money you have saved for the Quattro and put it towards a rear performer like a Fisher, Garrett or Whites.
Overall Rating
Mad At Minelab from
East Coast, USA
The Quattro
July 27, 2006
This is just a short review of this powerful metal detector in the Minelab
lineup. Even with the fact that I have only had this unit for a little over
a week, I have found that it is perfect for the coinshooting that I do. I
have been using the discrimination pattern for "Good US Coins" in Andy
Sabisch's book Mastering The Minelab Quattro, and along with the 4 x 7"
EXCellerator coil that I bought from KellyCo, I am finding wheat cents and
other assorted items much deeper than I ever could with my Fisher 1266-X.
Since I am still new to this machine, I am getting used to the musical tones the Quattro gives over high & low conductivity targets. I have not yet ventured out in the All Metal mode, but I am still finding coins at great depth whether I use the stock coil or the small elliptical. I currently run the Quattro at Auto Sensitivity when using the stock coil & a setting of 16 when using the smaller one. So far the deepest coin I have found was a 1913 wheat cent at 9 1/2" on the factory preset coin mode. I am however still trying to get used to pinpointing with the DD coil, for me it's a big change from the standard concentric coils that most of us have used. My little wizard pinpointer has been a great help in this regard.
I am beginning to realize that the people who either sell off their Quattro's or badmouth it, just do not want to take the time to learn it's language. I honestly feel that this is the best metal detector that I have bought in my 22 years of TH'ing, and I don't regret it for a moment. And to think, I almost bought a DFX...
No, I have not yet found any silver coins with the Quattro, but I feel it's only a matter of time & researching our older sites here in Worcester until I do.
I hope this small review helps other prospective Quattro users.
OK, enough of my ramblings.... Time To Do Some Hunting!
My Best To All,
Overall Rating
WormtownHunter from