Garrett Ace 250
Price: $250
Based on 260 reviews
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Garrett ACE 250 build for Smart people.Cheap & Good.
This is the best detector in the world if used in normal soil conditions, even on the beach. Can compete with much more expensive detectors on the market. All is perfect, discrimination, sensitivity, pinpointing, even automatic ground balancing in no extreme soils.
Scale is 100% on conductivity targets. If you find ring under pull tab sign on the scale, this means is the RING no PULL TAB, but with the same conductivity values. Garrett detector/s ACE250 is actually giving you chance to learn about CONDUCTIVITY of metals.
If : Silver Dollar nickel iron is a ring on this machine! (as stated), that means that. This two under circumstances have the same CONDUCTIVITY. Can YOU even imagine or believe, that old iron nail long time underground will shows to you as PURE GOLD on the scale ?
Even on $5000.00 detectors.
If you do not want spend 1000's on detector and want hunt for coins, relics etc, this is detector for you.
Just switch On and go. On 4x AA Batteries good ones, you can hunt 2 working days.(15 hours)
I know I have one.
Overall Rating
Satisfied Owner from
Best Detector For The Price
Overall Rating
David from
Portland, OR
Nice attempt, But poor pinpointing capabilities
I bought this machine as a back up for my White's machine, but I guess I should have saved up a little longer and bought another MXT or similar machine.
Overall Rating
Chris from
La Verne, CA USA
Ace 250 is a great little machine
There are some minor negative things I would change about the ace 250. I would like to see the shaft assembly redesigned to eliminate minor movement between the sections that happens now and then while swinging, and add some sort of manual ground balance to avoid having to turn down the sensitivity in some areas. In a nutshell , the ace 250 gives you a huge amount of performance and quality for the $200 pricetag. I highly recommend it for beginners as well as seasoned pros.
Overall Rating
C. Spencer from
Findlay, Ohio
As with any machine you're going to dig up trash, it's just an evil of the hobby. Personally I don't mind digging up questionable targets. You just never know until you dig them up.
All in all the Ace 250 is a good machine with some good features, battery life is good, price is good and dependability is good. It lost a star because of the pointpointing feature and lost the second star over the depth. But I would still recommend it.
Overall Rating
HunterDave from
South Carolina
Awesome Daddy "O"
If you want a fantastic machine and your afraid to ask your wife to charge the $1200.00 for a more expensive machine... go with the ace250... at $199.00 you wont be upset... Afterall .. these things hold they value soo well you can turn around and sell it on on ebay for darn near the same amount you paid for it new... Like the cat said below.. Do your research, and you will realize what we are preaching is truth the whole and nuttin butt.... word.
Overall Rating
Coolio from
Brady Bunch, USA
Very Happy
It is a known fact if you do your research you will realize the Metal Detector that will cost you over $1200.00 operating on 15 different frequencies is no more sophisticated than a scanner/radio you can purchase at radio shack for $55.00!!.. That being said ,.. the hype , marketing, name brand, arguments over reading a penny at 8 inches versus 10 inches is (in my opinion) not justiification for an additional $1000.00 bucks on a detector.. Sooo keep your negative resonses about my opinion to yourself and meet me on the beaches of Florida and I will show you how to find a deep coin with my economical $199.00 Ace 250 while you search with your $1200 over priced, HEAVIER machine (do the research ) ...
Overall Rating
Thinking about an Ace 250 ? from
Actionville, Florida (Jax)
Noob review; entry level early 80s vs today
Then I realized that the American S2 is old technology (early 80s). I began doing some research, and bought the Ace 250. After a day of using the Ace 250 I realized that if I dug every piece of junk iron in my yard, I would have to destroy the yard. In other words, it was like a semi-blind man receiving a pair of glasses for the first time. The Ace 250 sees much more, and discriminates much better than the old one. I found many coins in my yard that the old one hadn't seen.
I have no experience with any other detectors, but I can tell that it will be a while before I need to upgrade. An old pro at a dealership here in K.C., MO recommended this to me as a no-brainer, and I went with his recommendation and I'm glad I did.
Overall Rating
Jsandin from
Merriam, KS
Great machine!!
When you get a good signal sweep the coil every direction if its still giving the coin beep then its a good sign luckily for me im on a ploughed field so if you are too, sweep some of the soil away with your foot if the signal changes to iron its junk trust me.
Overall Rating
Steve from
Hampshire uk
Not a Bad little Machine for the money
Overall Rating
Jo from