Whites Spectrum XLT
Price: $800
Avg. Score:
Based on 49 reviews

Based on 49 reviews
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Iconic xlt
August 20, 2011
Bought a used xlt in great condition, took a little longer for the learning
curve to kick in, but its worth taking your time and reading the excellent
manual. Top marks to whites! Have used Tesoro, Minelab C-scope, Fisher and these machines are all great, but I believe that every machine out there really wants to be an XLT, quite simply a lot of machine for a little money.
I just cant put it down, and when you cant get out, your still messing with it at home, changing programs and trying them out. Definitely one of the best and most enjoyable machines ever made, and one of the best I have used, (don't like the coin program though, too much discrim. )but there are lots of fine programs out there to load up instead.
p.s. Will buy a new one and put it in the cupboard, just in case they stop making them, now that would be a REAL BIG MISTAKE, just get one, you'll love it!
Overall Rating
Lordbaltimore from
Great Deep Relic Machine
January 01, 2011
I used the Spectrum XLT for about 4 years crawling the hill of Vicksburg.
Bought it used for $350 from a preacher and it was the best machine I ever
owned. I've dug tons of relics and shells with it. Very hot on iron and shell. Darn good on brass and lead too.
Made my best find in 2000 with it, a medium lead filled CS buckle pictured in E&W Treasures April 2000. Found in a CS camp beat to death with all kinds of machines. Whites even used my pic in their add that month.
Just scroll on down to Relic Mode and do a little tweaking and just glide that coil all over and up next to trees and gullies ever so smoothly and listen. Just an awesome machine. You don't have to whip it like a step child like other machines. Best deal going these days with everyone claiming to have the best and selling over priced plastic junk for upwards of $800-$1000. Its like they set their detector prices like gas prices at the pump, future digging I suppose.
A good used XLT can be had for a realistic price of $300-$400. If your like me and are sick of every detector maker claiming theirs is the best nowadays just because they put a bigger than 8" DD coil on their new machines and call it "revolutionary", then get a XLT. It was way ahead of its time and its better than a lot of the top of the line crap today. Get one, you won't regret it.
Overall Rating
James R. from
Hohenwald TN.
You will never out grow it
May 19, 2010
Going on my 7 year using the XLT, I don't understand why everyone don't
have one of these machines, I can adjust the settings to hunt every type of
soil condition, even wet sand, I'm looking to buy two more for back up
Overall Rating
Caretaker from
Five yrs an still going
March 02, 2010
Hi all, I use this detector to hunt for coins, mostly clad. I really don't
care for it's nickel issues, not real accurate on those. I have a garrett
ace 250 that kills on nickels. Other then that I see no down falls. Depth
reading is pretty good, pin point take some getting used to. I have to admit I haven't played with the settings a lot, mostly use preset programs. Depth I feel depends on the soil, seems to go deeper in sand. One thing I have noticed is when the ground is wet expect a lot of dimes why I don't know. It is heavy compared to some. Display is good. Rechargeable battery pack didn't last but a couple yrs, maybe thats normal. It is a pick up an go machine. I would buy another one, hope this helps.
Overall Rating
Mike from
Great Detector!
October 13, 2009
This is my third detector and I bought it used as is a 1998 model.It was
sold to me with a bad coil so after adding a new one, this machine has been
excellent! Some complain of its complexity but you can use one of the
pre-set programs and turn it on and go! Once you get comfortable with the
machine's language you have lots of tweaking you can do. A little on the
heavy side but performance makes up for it! I will recommend it just keep
in mind it is an older model but a good working unit will do as well as any
of the top of the line units!
Overall Rating
Mike Sleeter from
February 15, 2009
I've used this detector for 10 years theres no doutI've found more than i can count with it.
Overall Rating
A very capable machine
December 28, 2008
I spent 2 years with a fisher 1266x-a powerful, non computerised detector.
After several months with the XLT, these are my impressions:1)The four pre-set programs are good, if a little lacking in depth. It's possible to increase sensitivity & pre-amp gain to get a bit deeper. The coin program still will only get you about 6-7 inches on a dime/sixpence. This is your limit for a trashy park.
2) very sensitive on hammered & small items-very useful for the ancient & medeival sites we have in the uk.
3) The use of mixed mode with a enhanced relic mode really shows the XLT to be a depth monster!
Silver threepence at 7 inches gives a huge signal!
This program not possible on aluminium infested parks, only quieter fields. Also the mixed mode operates like a goldmaxx, not nulling out a coin next to a nail.
In short a great detector. It will take a while to be at full speed with it, though it will be worth it.
Overall Rating
Alex white from
The good and Bad
July 29, 2008
My third detector, owned it for 4years, I kind of liked the long learning
curve. When I get bored I start tinkering with new settings and testing
them on test targets. However the XLT seemed flimsy to me, the display
eventually went bad (missing lines) but it was still usable. The part that
attaches the coil to the shaft broke. The batterypack crapped out on me. so
I fabricated my own NMH recharble batterypack that actually worked great.
Finally sold it to a pawn shop for a 100 dollars. and was surprised he gave
me that much for it. Now I an living on an old pirate island (don't laugh
it's true) and plan on buying a Excaslibur II. I practically never see
anyone using one here.
Overall Rating
Barry2b from
Eastern USA
XLT--Excellent detector well balanced easy to use.
June 28, 2008
I have used this detector since late summer of last year. At first I was
wondering if this was a good choice. After checking the XLT Classroom forum
I was able to pick up lots of tips on the operation of this machine. I'm
able now to change the settings and get the best of the XLT. I mainly use
the coin and jewelry program with different settings. (VCO -on), (Tone
ID-on) for example. These two settings really help, other settings are
secondary . I think this is a great detector because of the many features if offers.
Another great feature is the battery, easy to change and as I have the Whites BHID can also interchange batteries with this machine.
Would highly recommend the XLT .
Overall Rating
Joel-Wpg. from
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Great Machine
January 31, 2008
I have a White's Spectrum XLT, I am very pleased with this machine. I have
owned my Spectrum since 1998 and since owning it hunted in all kinds of
weather and terrain. It is consistant with its targets and accurate for the
most part when it gives an ID. With my Spectrum I have found 2 seated 1/2
dollars 1846 and 1852 both in pristine condition. Of all the machines I own
the spectrum is my 1st choice when I want to find the goods and do it
comfortably. I also own a Garrett 2500, Minelab Sovereign, Whites Classic
I, Fisher Aquanaut, and a Discovery (Bounty Hunter 3000). Again the
spectrum is a great MD and perfect for the novice or the advanced
Ther.Overall Rating
Charles from
Georgia, USA