Teknetics T2

Price: $800
Avg. Score: 4 stars 4.43
Based on 47 reviews

Avg. Durability: 5 stars!4.54
Avg. Ease of use: 4 stars4.38
Maximum detection depth

Submit your review for Teknetics T2


September 15, 2010
Very good detector. I have owned one for 1.5 years and in that time I have found:

A gold posey ring reads: A friends gift
Loads of roman from worked out sites
7 x celtic staters from diffrent sites

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Teknetics T2

August 28, 2010
I bought the T2 after long hours on the net doing research on the best buy for me. So I could not find any second hand T2's out there (new model 6.0 software) this is always a good sign, you do not sell it if it works!
So on my first outing being a total novice I did the GC and set it to tone 2+ sensitivity 60 and discrimination on 10. I got these settings of the net as well and it is for use in heavily contaminated ground, iron and lead. And I was stunned at the results! My first tone was a thimble, second was a silver George the V florin 1920. I found a spectacle buckle and a market weight a square coin weight and loads of lead!

Then on my last outing the 3rd I dropped the discrimination to 5 and the sensitivity to 50 and I was flying! I found several Boy Bishop Tokens an 1816 silver sixpence George the III and plenty Vicky pennies.

The T2 is the ideal machine for the novice and the expert. A Roman coin at about 8 inches sounded clear and crisp and the meter read 92! I learned from a friends demonstration not to pay to much attention to the meter but to trust my ears and boy did it work! When in doubt dig it!

The depth on this machine is amazing and it has a build in pin pointer operated by the trigger it tells you where to dig! I found silver on two out of three outings and I must admit it will take me a few months to master the T2 but it is worth it the battery meter has dropped one bar and I have been out for about for 23 hours!

If you are wondering what to buy this is it you can't go wrong with the T2.

Sine my first few times I had a chance to get to know the T2 a little better and I am learning more every outing. It is a very good machine but there is a little chatter when you are close to power lines. Ignore this but listen carefully for the high pitched sounds on 2+. It usually is a winner! Good luck! I might get a chance to test the new Detech SEF (Symmetrical Electromagnetic Field) coil, once I have done this I will post the full report here with pictures of the coil and finds! Oh yeah slow down lads lets test it first!

Suggested settings for the T2
Beach: Tone 3b Sens 90 Disc 40
Relic hunting: Tone +3 Sens 90 disc 10
Iron contaminated ground Tone Dp Sens 75 Disc 18
Iron contaminated ground(2) Sens 70 Disc 15 Tone 2+
Stubble Tone: 1 Sens 60 Disc 25-35
Ancient Sites: Sens 70 Disc 15 Tone 2+
Hard Ground: Sens 75 Disc 18 Tone Dp
Coin Shooting: Sens 95 Disc 35 Tone 1
Riverbank: Sens 90 Disc 35 Tone 1
Pasture: Sens 85 Disc 5 Tone 2+
Dig everything! Sens 70 Disc 5 Tone 1
Good hunting!
New update!

Well I had time to get to know the T2 and if it is coins you want here are the settings for it. Sensitivity 70. Discrimination 10. Tone 2+. Happy hunting and don't worry about swing speed just make sure you keep the coil on the level while swinging as close to the ground as possible! Listen for the faint signals and silver minted coins come up as 70 on the meter small hammered coins come up as 66. Happy hunting!

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Teknetics T2 vs Garrett GTI2500 / more $$ vs less $$

February 09, 2010
Teknetics T2 review.

As we are all the same, me after readings reviews about T2 I was haungry to have one. I have also Garrett GTI2500.
I thought if I sell GTI2500 first and than buy T2 should be OK and I should be happy as all people who wrote very
positive reviews about T2. But as always I told myself better buy first T2 and than sell GTI2500. So I wait until I was able
manage finances to that point.
If I will sell GTI2500 first and than buy T2 I will cry?(swear) on me every day till my last day. It would be biggest mystake
of my life ever. I have GTI more than two years and I know how to operate that machine even as sleeping. I had many detectors
and found many good and rubbish items. I was owning T2 for 2 month, doing tests side by side, at home,fields,goldfields and beach,
as one was to go.

T2 is but beautifull machine,pleasure to have it,and if you have no chance to compare it will be keeper for you,
because sometimes only one rule rules, What is yours is the BEST. But I had the chance so I am giving it 3 and 1/2 stars
due my chance to compare it with GTI2500 and due to points as stated below.:

T2 vs GTI2500

T2 :
--needs to be ground balanced manually in many situations, which GTI handle even on automatic GB
--has no as many coils to use as GTI and if you do not know,coils are first Input important devices for finding targets
--is not deeper detector than GTI, they are neck to neck if using same size coil. If you use bigger coil on GTI,T2 is lost.
And if you use two box multiplier on GTI2500(I tested main) which goes several feet down 15-20 feet. T2 is gone.
--T2 is not as easy to switch from All metal mode to Disc.mode as GTI 2500
--has no better separation in trash area than GTI,
--is not better on the beach, (needs manuall ground balancing)
--has no backlight, nearly useless after dark, GTI has backligtht and talk,
--is lighter than GTI,
--battery last no longer than in GTI but GTI uses 8 AA batt. T2 uses only 4AA batt.
--T2 has no graphical target image size showing just ID numbers,
size showing on GTI2500 is more usefull than any other ID used(example: scanning target one direction shows small size,another direction big size,
means nothing round,no coin,no round ring, above you see conductivity, no stable reading? so iron Nail or similar, or pulltab or similar,

--T2 has no on display screen shown if target is Gold or Silver target, just RUBBISH signs and US coins.

!! So no conductivity and their compability of targets are shown,very clever,so nobody can swear that was mislead and dug
pulltab under golden ring sign !! etc,etc, as you can read about it in reviews, T2 will mislead you too,because conductivity
of ring is as conductivity of pulltab in many cases, so ID number is also the same as tone.

--has more tones to hunt with over 2 tones GTI, but if you hunt with T2 on more than 3 tones or on defaults all tones you go n????
and you will be out of chance to hunt properly,you will be thinking you nut or T2 is going nut. Useless on max tones settings
better said confusing
--has no talking abbilities ,which are usefull if you blind and want use detector, or use detector without light in dark,
confusing in very trashy areas,but you can switch it off anytime
--has no notching abilities
--has no any preprogramed hunting programs to start for novice or experienced hunter
--has no any ability to set up own hunting custom program which can stay in memory
--looses setting after switching OFF( I know can be setup in 20 seconds,but is disturbing if you low on battery and needs to be switched often)
--T2 costs more than GTI2500 what is for me perfect,because I could buy for less money GTI which is in my opinion better machine generally
as I know now.
--T2 is overpriced as compared to Fisher F75 and GTI 2500 which has similar features as GTI2500 except graphics analyzer.

I hope I just covered basics why I prefer Garrett GTI2500 over Teknetics T2.

Conclusion: my T2 was sold currently for retail price $ 899.00 as new condition(not for $2000.00) and I was happy I got my money back.
GTI2500 is keeper over T2. But be aware is my review and is me who likes read manuals and who knows how handle GTI2500 and T2 properly.
T2 can win competition in some areas over GTI if both are running in discrimination mode. But T2 will hardly win over GTI2500 if they run full blast
All metal mode. This is way users of GTI should always hunt on All metal mode,(in this mode GTI is more reliable and stable than T2, )and GTI is showing
in All metal mode not only conductivity but also size and is switchable to Disc mode and back to All metal mode within 1(one)second.

Happy hunting- 09.Feb.2010(sorry about my english I know is not perfect as second language,but I hope my review will help you + or _ )

Overall Rating 3 stars


The Honest Truth

January 09, 2010
I have had my T2 for about 2 years now and I am very, very happy with it! The depth is great, the recovery time is great. I got a 4" coil for it and have went back over some old sites with a tremendous amount of iron in the soil and have pulled out some very nice silver that were masked with the larger coil. I have a friend that I hunt with who is just learning his machine. If I find something deep, I mark it and let him know what I ID it as then he comes over and tries his machine to see what he gets. Anything in the 8" - 10" range he has difficulty with or gets no response where my machine is loud and clear.

Interference. Yes, this machine will have some issues with interference but, by using a combination of the sensitivity and discrimination you can get through it and still get depths to 8" easy. I really haven't experimented with the frequency shift(12.821 - 15.158)
I did have one experience where I was hunting and started getting a pulsing sound. I thought my detector had to get repaired. I couldn't get it to stop. I took it home and fired it up and everything was fine. I went back to find out the behind the row of bushes I was hunting was an electric fence surrounding a pasture! I couldn't use my detector there at all.

One note, these detectors are going on EBay now for a whole lot more than what I paid for mine so I don't think I can be way off on saying that these are definitely worth the money and they are in high demand!

Overall Rating 5 stars!


My latest Machine a T2

December 19, 2009
I have owned many machines over the 35 years detecting. This one astonishing. On searching a grass field that I had given up on. A Henry 8th Halfgroat two georgian farthings at depth beyond my other machine several buttons plus a Mid Iron Age Brooch.

All in no more than an acre, cannot be bad. Need careful use when iron contamination is present but that will come with time. Only had it 10 days. Another recent find in the grass. A cut halfpenny Henry 3rd Voided cross.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Teknetics t2 ltd

December 14, 2009
Great detector easy to use. I re-detected a field that has been done many times before and nothing had been found. This time I found six coins that were all too deep for the other detectors so I would highly recommend this machine.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


What a machine

July 25, 2009
I have had the teknetics t2 for about 3 weeks now . I traded in my old minelab soveriegn xs2a pro to help pay for this detector as I felt the minelab just was not getting in between the iron and I was missing the good stuff on my iron infested roman/saxon site's. Well what can I say, I have been out 3 times and found 7 hammered, 29 roman bronze coins, a saxon penny and a siliqua of jovian and lots of buttons and lead at great depth that the minelab had missed (all the finds were on or very close to iron).

Here are my settings sen 75 disc 10 tones 2+ . I am very impressed with this machine and would recommend to everyone!

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Teknetics T2

April 10, 2009
Having had time to test the T2 (terminator) I add a few settings suggestions that might help you. I found a Gold coin 8" deep and my friends call me Silverman, as I always manage to find a silver coin. T2 paid for itself with a Saxon bishops silver pendant within 2 months! Keeping the Gold coin!
Suggested settings for the T2
Beach: Tone 3b Sens 90 Disc 40
Relic hunting: Tone +3 Sens 90 disc 10
Iron contaminated ground Tone Dp Sens 75 Disc 18
Iron contaminated ground(2) Sens 70 Disc 15 Tone 2+
Stubble Tone: 1 Sens 60 Disc 25-35
Ancient Sites: Sens 70 Disc 15 Tone 2+
Hard Ground: Sens 75 Disc 18 Tone Dp
Coin Shooting: Sens 95 Disc 35 Tone 1
Riverbank: Sens 90 Disc 35 Tone 1
Pasture: Sens 50 Disc 40 Tone 2+
Dig everything! Sens 70 Disc 5 Tone 1
Good hunting!

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Teknetics T2

December 07, 2008
As a first time novice with metal detectors I read loads of reviews before I paid £475 for my T2. Never held a MD in my life! So I set the GC and settings Sens; 70 Disc 15 and tone 2+ and hit the field. I found a George V silver Florin 5 old pennys a market weight belt buckle and a timble. It is so good I found a piece of lead 2mm x 3mm at 9 inches. Money well spend, perfect machine for the UK and the novice who wants to compete with the Goldmaxx's out there. I had more consistent finds than a veteran with his Goldmaxx! (Not to mention all the rubbish I digged haha)
I am hooked!

Overall Rating 5 stars!


Teknetics T-2

November 11, 2008
Excellent detector, I just had tested twice on a local park here in Santiago, Chile, SA and I had found lots of coins at deeps btw 2 to 8 inches. Easy to set up, very good discrimination and everything that the factory saids is thru.

Overall Rating 5 stars!


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