Garrett Ace 250
Price: $250
Based on 260 reviews
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Great deal for the money
I happened to find a civil war Carbine sling buckle in the early fall at 10 inches and became addicted to hunting civil war relics. I picked up the 9 x 12 coil and the first day I had the coil found a cuff button at about 7 inches. For field hunting where there is not a lot of trash it does well. I've dug quite a few bullets and buttons. Most bullets at 8 inches or less. Most buttons at less than 5 inches.
One odd thing that happened... I had a hit that when I was swinging one way it read a nickle and the other a half. I dug a buffalo and a walking liberty in the same hole. It is a very easy turn on and go machine. The sensitivity is hot, I think it has 9 bars, but running above 5 will create a lot of false trashy areas 3-4.
The target ID works pretty well, I run in all metal mode and when I hit a lot of noise in the field I change directions and angles to try to pick out the good stuff.
I will eventually upgrade to a better relic machine, but I will probably continue to use the 250 some. I don't think you can beat it for the money (a little over 200 bucks. It probabaly the easiest machine to learn to opperate.
Overall Rating
Ed from
Excellent for the price
I decided to test it against one of my detectors"the ID Excel" I was impressed!! This was my first time using it and was quite simple to operate.I read alot of reviews about the talk of cheap plastic, wobble ect.. but almost all new detectors have plastic housings to reduce weight and almost all have flaws when you look for them, try swinging a older CZ-7 for 8 hours on a all day hunt, it's tiresome so weight makes a difference especially at the end of the day!
I used my Excel against the 250 since both are lower priced by brand but with a price gap of $275-300, both machines air tested at around 11-13 inches using a quarter,so I proceded to my test plot where I had many coins planted up to a depth of a max of 8" several days earlier, remember these coins have no halo,so depth/discrimination will differ in the field.
Both performed on the money as far as accurate discrimination, including silver and gold test.The 250 did well up to the 8" farthing I planted which I detected with the Excel at a sensitivity setting of 5 but had to bump the 250 up to the 7th bar to get a clear tone but it did give a faint reading as well as a accurate reading at 6th bar but was unable to run the detector an the 7th bar due to soil mineralization and chatter otherwise the coin may have been missed swinging fast so I advise slower close level to the ground sweeps for the best results on deeper coins.
I had no problem pinpointing, all the finds were in the area of the D on the search coil,the depth reading was just as accurate as the Excel.I have not took it to my hunting sites but plan to but with what I have seen it performs quite well and I'm sure it will do well.It does have features some of the more expensive machines lack such as the factory preset modes,auto ground tracking,notch out features and more.Garret even offers several coils for the Ace line which Fisher does not offer for the Excel.
Overall not bad for $200, a great detector for beginners that performs well.Why go out and pay "big bucks" for a detector when it may set in the closet as many people let them do because they lost interest in the hobby.It takes time, patience,motivation,research and dedication to make any hobby work especially detecting,so dont set too high of expectations and plans to bring home pockets of silver and gold rings it takes time,thats why many good detectors get bad reviews.
I have searched several excellent old sites for hours only to dig trash and come home empty handed but tomorrow will always be better!Happy Detecting!!
Overall Rating
C. Hattaway from
Good machine for the money
For $212 nothing can come close to this machine, but it has it weaknesses. Does not do well in surf/ wet sand at all, depth is wrong alot of times. Been using it in parks alot, getting about 6-7 inches max, in discrim mode. Pinpointing works good, but doesnt not discrim in pinpoint mode. If youre working in trashy ground, can be a little confusing.
Regardless, a great entry level detector, nice and light too and breaks down to fit in my backpack.
Overall Rating
Grnpt_dtkr from
Brooklyn usa
I've owned 3 previous metal detectors the ACE250 my 4TH
Overall Rating
Bill from
Charlotte, NC USA
Best bang for the bucks
Overall Rating
Rodney from
Jax, Fl.
Not bad, but.....
In my opinion the machine just isn't capable of narrowing it's own finds down to a respectably small enough area. In one instance when I first started using the machine, I had a solid hit that registered as a dime at 4". Probing revealed nothing, more sweeps indicated the target had "moved" about 3" to the left. More probing, nothing. More sweeping, and all I could determine was that somewhere in about a 10" circle there was a dime at 4". Pinpointing told me that it was within about a 12" circle, the opposite of what I wanted out of pinpointing. After digging a hole a foot in diameter, I found a penny at 10" deep (and with no other target or trash). With my old detector it would have been right under the "X" on the coil. After two months, I'm only able to cut my digging area down by about 3".
Generally I find more with the ACE 250, but that's because I can't trust the machine to tell me what the target is, where it is exactly, or how deep it is. So along with more keepers I'm getting a LOT more trash, but with age I've gained some patience I guess. I have gotten better than I used to be with this detector, but it's still not good enough for me to give it a rave review. Be prepared to spend a LOT OF TIME with this machine, learning it's stregths and weak points, and try every pinpointing method in the book (online, on the instruction video, what you can figure out on your own) before you're able to dig the nice little holes and pop out the target with a screwdriver. And in my experience, that will still be a rare occurence.
Overall Rating
Steve Park from
Columbus, MS
Ace doing great here in the Netherlands
this is my first digital detector and as such i'm not a real expert but I already love the yellow-fellow!
The biggest improvement must be that I get a estemet for the source of the ping (coins,trash and what kind of metal)
I'm verry pleased and award this detector the highest score.
jhonn feikens
Overall Rating
Mr.Orange/Jhonn Feikens from
Muntendam Groningen The Netherlands
It is a heck of a machine
I found the 250 well worth the price and more.
I was having problems with the pinpointing until I followed some suggestions that I saw on forums .
I haven't really used the Bounty Hunters too much lately.
HH Arturo
Overall Rating
Arturo from
South Texas
Light Weight/great price
Overall Rating
D.B. Cooper from
Ohio/South Caolina
Ace 250- great unit
Overall Rating
Bobbybass from
Brooklyn usa