Garrett Ace 250
Avg. Score:
Based on
260 reviews
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Nice Metal Detector @ Nice Price
July 04, 2006
As a beginner, I started suffering a little, until I could understand a
minimum about how the ACE250 behaves. Then, quickly, I collected a lot of
very nice stuff.
Definetly, itŽs not perfect - sometimes, it falses. But I think one can
live with it without loosing interest, because most of times it works very
Suggestion: the ACE250 might have a LCD light push-button, so that the
display could be seen at night [ when Garrett implement this feature, IŽll
claim the royalties for my idea ;) ]
Overall Rating

Luciano A. Mendes from
Florianopolis, SC Brazil
Got it, used it, liked it!
June 17, 2006
I got ace 250 this summer. Always wanted to try metal hunting and finally
got into it. Read all reviews on this web and bought it via Internet of
course. I was not very happy at first with its unability to ignore the
trash. It made me frustrated. I used it a few times at a local river beach
and got tired digging beer caps,foil and stuff like that. Although I found
some coins as well. Actually, I found a heall lot of funny metals. But
today I got completely convinced that I did the right thing that got it. I
went to a sea beach and....found a handfull of coins and a small ring. It
was a triumth after all. Now I am certain - I can find good things with it.
It is a matter of time and a good place for a search. I recommend it for
all beginners. By the way, I live in Russia-) Here is my email- please write me and share your tips or ask questions. Once
again 0 I like he price and the device. It is very very good! But you must
be patient, persistent and consistent in this hobby. Get it, go to a sandy
beach and watch the bell ring, keep digging the coins and may be some
jewlery too-)
Overall Rating

Dmitry from
4 inch sniper
June 15, 2006
I just want to let everyone know that i have the 4 inch sniper coil and i
have already found 2 rings. one gold the other copper. The gold ring was 2
inches deep, brass on surface. Soil is worth it. This place was very trashy
(nails,pulltabs etc.,)The 250 showed as a solid nickel on screen so i knew
i had something. Eaasier to pinpoint with it too. It doesnt go too deep but
it has worked ok for me.So if using stock coil is frustrating you with
trash and pinpointing, get the sniper. You'll be glad you did.
Overall Rating

806samuel from
Absolutely the best for the money
May 09, 2006
Having used detectors since the Fisher M-scope cira 1950's, I'm no new
comer to the world of metal detectors. Basically, all detectors are
designed to detect metal. The advances in detectors are like anything else
in this fast moving world of technology but there is a practical limit to
what the coin hunter, nugget hunter, jewelry hunter, or "treasure" hunter
really needs. El Cheapo detectors are just that...a toy that acts like a
real detector but stops at just sounding off when over metal. This is OK IF
one just wants to dig his/her life away pulling out nails, pop tops,
aluminum foil, etc. etc. until the cows come home...maybe if they, the
owner of the Cheapo, spend enough time dragging one of these inferior
machines around, a coin could be found. The most important second function
of a detector is to ELIMINATE junk metals using "steps" of elimination.
Next and also important is the degree of sensitivity a particular detector
affords. Everything else is now getting into the "bells and whistles" and
increases the cost of a good machine considerable. The Garrett 250 ace
combines all the necessary features that perform flawlessly in a light
weight easy to learn machine that will eliminate the guess work of the
hidden metalic item. The controls can be operated with the forefinger of
the users "swinging" hand. The settings are positive and deviation from
these programable settings just doesn't happen. I thoroughly love my 250
ace and although I could afford the finest machine out there, this little
250 ace detector, made by a company thats been in business of building
quality metal detectors for many years meets my toughest metal detecting
needs..and I spend a lot of hours every week metal detecting.
Overall Rating

Don Neiman from
Where oil recovery got its start, Pa.
Deeper than you think for ACE
May 04, 2006
I have owned my ACE250 for about 3 weeks. i have used it only 4 ties. I
have dug up aloot of pulltabs and lids and iron. I dont discriminate.First
of all I feel it goes deeper than people give it credit for.I did a
unscientific open air test and this is my conclusion. I had a ruler to test
my theory.
I kept thinking ,WOW 8 inches is alot for this yeller feller. Well, I kept
my detector on coins mode and sensitivity at 4 bars. I tried a silver
Morgan, Franklin half, merc. and indian penney. I found deepest it could
register all of thes was 6.5 inches.Zinc penney didnt register.
I then turned SENS. up all the way. I registered all the coins, minus zinc
at 8 + inches. Wow. I feel this depends on mineralization of ground.
I intend to buy biggest coil to try it out . i hear you gain a couple of
inches.SO, in theory this detector ,in coin mode, with SENS up all the way
can register 8+ inches on silver.. I didnt have a nickel.:( .Depending on
ground. I have yet to dig up silver. I have mainly been practicing so I
will post my finds. Dont dismiss
this Yeller Fellow.I have stock coil, and a sniper coil. I will try Large
coil hopefully, soon. So, a ACE 250 WITH SNIPER AND LARGE 12 INCH COIL
SHOULD RUN NO MORE THAN 400$. WHAT A BARGAIN. I hope this helps people
looking for a backup or primary for $212.00. NOW GO FIND SOMTHING
Overall Rating

806SAMUEL from
Only thing Better is MineLab
May 03, 2006
I have used this rig for about two seasons it is the best. I will mention
that I did start off with a detector that was low-end in the begining. This
gave me lots of experience in spending time digging and i was just as
successful. The Garrett has got me down as far as 18" and if the detector
shows a target it is never wrong. Last year i netted 6 old Silver coins, 3
silver rings, 1 gold diamond rind, gold heart pendant, and about $120.00 in
spare change. My best advise is to dig everything because ya never know
that pull tab could actually be a gold ring. My finds have gotten better
since i started using the A250. The pinpoint and all the other bells and
whistles are great, but like anything else it can be a little much at
first. Practice using the amy different settings and abilities of this
unit. Go slow and spend just as much time digging. Recomended starting off
with something simple like a bounty hunter first then when you have
mastered the detector move up to Garrett.
Overall Rating

Paul M from
Saratoga Springs, NY
April 26, 2006
I have the Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202 and I listened to all the hype about
the Ace 250 and decided that I just had to have one. I don't think I
bettered myself. The Ace 250 is in the same class as the Pioneer 202. Don't
believe all the hype about people finding coins at 8-10 inches. The Ace 250
is an entry level machine! It just isn't going to act like a mid-level or
professional level machine. I have never came near that 8-10 inch depth
claim that others make. My 250 has never found anything deeper than about 4
This machine (Ace 250) just doesn't have the depth that all the people
claim for it. Pinpointing is iffy at best. With all the hype I expected
great things from the yeller feller but I will have to say that I have been
very disappointed. It really isn't any better than the Pioneer 202 that I
already had. I
One thing that I didn't hear from anyone is that the Ace 250 has factory
preset ground balance that cannot be changed. This means that if your soil
matches that which the machine was set up for you should do great. If not
(and most won't) then you will have problems. I feel that this is a BIG
PROBLEM for the Ace 250. Even the cheapest machines from other brands have
automatic ground balance. This really hurts the Ace 250 and I feel is a
major problem that all those who brag on the Ace 250 just don't seem to
The Ace 250 is a good machine for a machine in it's class. When I got the
Ace 250 I mentioned to the dealer about the 8-10 inch deep claims on the
Internet. He laughed and said that was just wistful thinking. He told me
that the Ace 250 was a 5 or 6 inch machine at best. If you want deeper you
have to buy more machine.
After extensive use of the machine I feel that he told me the truth. A lot
of the hype about the Ace 250 is just that, HYPE!!
Overall Rating

GT from
How to buy a metal detector
April 25, 2006
The first thing I did was to buy the latest issue of Gold Prospectors
magazine, which led me to this website. The second thing I did was read ALL
of the reviews in the price range I was looking for. I was impressed by the
sheer number of good reviews I had seen on the Ace 250. My other option was
a bounty hunter that I could purchase through my daughters employer with a
fairly good discount. I chose the ace 250. After reading all those reviews
I knew I couldn't go wrong. I found all of them had bits of info that were
of great help to a novice such as myself, so much so in fact, that I felt I
was armed with a fair amount of knowledge before I even stepped out to the
yard. Now there are a lot less nails and other hardware in the dirt and
more coins in my pocket! I took it to an old logging camp (do some
research) I haven't found much yet but I will be back up there soon, with
better tools to dig with! Right now I can't wait to get to the beach to see
how it acts there. I would like to thank Metal Detector Reviews and all of
the contributors to this website for helping me to make the right decision
on the Ace 250.
Read the manual, get comfortable with the machine and do some
Overall Rating

William Schoepp from
Portland , Oregon
Great ACE 250
April 24, 2006
I have owned a bounty Hunter and a GTAX1000 and
I have really never used them with much enthusiasm.I never really made
time.The ACE250
had me excited for some unknown reason.Maybe because Garrett is from the
Lone Star Sate. ?
The machine itself is bigger than what it looks in pics. I havent had it
long but i have used it 3 times. I have only found 3 pennies, and several
pieces of junk. The detector gives a good accurate display. Yes, the
crushed can or tab will fool it but thats ok.I have noticed that when it
jumps from iron/foil to coins it is junk. Yes,, it has 3 distinct tones.
Dont let anyone say otherwise. Pinpointing takes practice but it can be
done. I was skeptical about price to value ratio.This machine is a GREAT
machine for the money. I have a sniper coil and intend to buy a larger coil
which adds about 2 inches in depth approx for coins.i have thrown silver
coins in a hole and it does ID correctly. The distinct BOING!BOING! means I feel this is a great detector. doesnt go 9 inches plus like the
higher end detectors but i cant afford $700 + (usd)for a really deep
detector but thats ok. with a larger coil i will be close i feel to getting
that depth. Garret has finally made a real winner with this packaging.Great
electronics at a great price.I will be using this with enthusiasm for a
while . i will kep you posted on my finds and experience. HAPPY HUNTING
Overall Rating

Samuel from
March 23, 2006
I live in the PAC NW, and believe me, the little Garrett is not enough
detector for all this high-iron soil here. Even my old Bounty Hunter with
it's analog meter outdoes the 250.
It is an ok detector for kids and for using now and then or as a backup,
but when you really get interested in the hobby, you wiil find a different
home for it. The low-priced Fishers, Compasses, and White's are much better
detectors, and they don't use the "delayed" sound the Garrett does.
Personally, I don't really care for having to center a target by figuring
out that the target itself is between the sounds on either side of it. It's
Another thing I don't quite understand, is why people actually claim that
it will get 10" on a coin? Mine doesn't, and neither do any of the other
250's I've seen. Even in the ground this is almost impossible, I was a
detector repairman from 1980 to 1990, and believe me, there is not enough
power in the circuit to accomplish this claim, unless the coin is the size
of a silver dollar, or larger.
Overall Rating

Larry D Gressel from
Sweet Home, Oregon