Minelab Explorer II
Price: $1200
Avg. Score:
Based on 97 reviews

Based on 97 reviews
Avg. Durability:

Avg. Ease of use:

OK, here is MY opinion, sigh !
January 07, 2006
I started metal detecting 4 months ago. Started with a XP-GMaxx. A very
good machine to start with. Found things the very first day, never stopped
doing so.After a few weeks, purchased a Minelab Explorer II.
Never ever could use it :
1. far too heavy to be fun (you know, fun ? That is what it is all about ; metal detecting, in my opinion : having FUN !)
2. it is EATING batteries
3. pinpointing ? Whàt pinpoiting ?
4. far too difficult to learn. Why spent months on learning a simple & stupid metal detector ? Why lose months of pleasure if you could just be out somewhere FINDING things with any detector ? How about learning to use your next car, bike, pc, gps, mobil, etc for months ? Come on, be serious ! It is just another tool.
5. NO (repeat : NO !) recovery speed. (of course not : 28 signals !) For me, THAT DID IT ; I cannot work without a (fast) recovery speed.
The explorer ii is still here, somewhere. Bought a Minelab X-Terra 50 and started finding things again. I don't think I'll EVER "use" that explorer again...
Why waste time on an Explorer when you can be having FUN ?????????
Overall Rating
Exp II
January 02, 2006
I too read all of these review when I was looking to purchase a new MD. A
great many "pros' about the ExpII but the few cons scared me a little...
How could so many people absolutely LOVE it and yet, have those who
couldn't even work it?Well, I purchased one on some advice from people I know personally who use them. Here's my take on the "cons"
Heavy machine: Yes it's heavy. So, I bought a bugee harness. I'm 50, no weight lifter, yet I can swing this thing for hours at the park without the harness. The only time I use the bungee is at the beach (mainly so I don't drop it in the water). Between the 7 lb stainless steel sand scoop in my left hand and the ExpII in my right, my arms are lookin' good :)
Learning Curve: Yes, there is a learning curve. But it's only as steep as you make it. If you read your manual a couple of times, get Sabich's book, read the classroom forums, you can make it a lot easier on yourself. I read the manual way before I got the machine. This thing gives you a LOT of information, it just takes a little time to learn what it's trying to tell you. If you don't want to take the time to really get to know a machine, any machine, don't buy it.
Difficult to pinpoint: I don't find that to be the case at all. There are a few tricks that help you narrow it down very accurately. I dig very small plugs and more often than not, my target is right where I thought it was. One necessary accessory (although expensive), is the Sunray X-1. Can't leave home without it.
Plastic: Yes, it's made of plastic, just like everything else. I'm sure if I take care of it, it will last.
Reliability: I have it about 9 months and believe it or not the coil died about 5 months after I bought it. Stuff happens. I sent it to Minelab and they sent back a new coil the same day. Very helpful customer service.
Expensive: Yes :) But in my opinion, worth it. If something were to happen to the one I have, I would do what I could to get another.
Unbalanced machine: The coil mount is at the rear of the coil. This makes it top heavy. Simply shorthening the length of the rod, getting it closer to the front of your toes, makes it a lot better. Not something I think about.
I think that about covers the cons... The pro's? I will have to do that another time. Most have already been mentioned anyway. Bottom line is, if most of the clocks on your electronic equipment at home are flashing "12:00", the Exp II is not for you. If you like top of the line gadgets with lots of useful bells and whistles and awesome performance, the ExpII is one great machine. I know that I've found things with the Exp II that others simple could not find.
Overall Rating
Joe from
How good or what?
November 08, 2005
As a novice to detecting I got to say useing this machine was rather
daunting to say the least,but the end results are worth all the effort,read
the books that are available and cds,this machine will out perform the
rest.I joined a club and i can honestly say that its the explorers that find the most on club digs, pinpointint is 100% and easy, there are lighter machines but I use a harnes so no problems there .
Even useing factory settings it out performs all other detectors, ok its expensive ,but you get what you pay for.
Overall Rating
Peter Abbott from
Brighton England
Too Much Hype
October 28, 2005
The Explorer II is a good detector not as great as all the hype claims it
to be. It's heavy and made out of plastic, very unbalanced and too slow on
recovery. It masks targets that are too close to iron and very difficult to
learn. It is however a deep seeking silver coin machine no doubt about that
but no deeper than my DFX plus the DFX is killer on gold jewelry. I am glad
I did not sell my DFX to get the Explorer II since I have decided to keep
the DFX instead.
Overall Rating
John in AZ from
Explorer 2
October 22, 2005
I just received the Explorer 2 a week ago, and I must say I'm really
impressed! This detector is amazing! Not only has the best discrimination
that I have dealt with, and the best tone ID, and the best 'Target ID'
(Smart Find), but it has the best depth too! I'm finding coins in the
9"-10" range with ease, no silver yet, but that's because I'm in El
Salvador right now and the park I'm going is from 1980 so nothing really
old there. The Explorer is EASY to learn contrary to what most people said,
and it becomes even easier if you read the book 'Mastering the Explorer S &
XS' by Andy Sabisch, reading your manual thoroughly and watching the
Training Presentation video which is included with your Explorer. To make a
long story short, if you have the money, and want The BEST machine there is
for the job (coin hunting, relic hunting, etc.) get the Explorer;
Pinpointing is also very easy once you master it. Oh and you might want to
buy the Sunray X-1 Target Probe from 'Sunray Detectors', it has aided me a
lot when looking for a target in a deep hole preventing me from scratching
it, it's an invaluable tool for me. Hope this helps, you'll certainly enjoy
the Explorer, I know I do.And as for DFX comparison, I haven't owned a DFX but I'm pretty sure both go head to head, and I'm also sure the DFX is a great detector. I've just owned a CL IDX from Whites and was really satisfied for coinhunting purposes, but I upgraded to a Minelab and wouldn't change it for anything.
Overall Rating
Andres Ventura from
San Salvador, El Salvador.
Explorer 2.....
October 01, 2005
Hi the Explorer 11 is the best so far .Shame it cant pinpoint a bit better
But you can't have it all .I have tried it on beach //rivers /all fields
/clay to peat all sorts of ground here in the UK ... it just spits out the
finds If it's there the explorer will find it..A very good machine: Takes
a bit of time to get use to it .......Very good
Overall Rating
DES from
Explorer 2 A master piece.
September 08, 2005
Incredible sensitivity , the best sensitivity i have ever seen on a metal
detector. This detector has the best discrimination i have ever used on a
metal detector . I dig hardly any trash at all but i still find many coins
and rings from beaches and inland sites, Sites that have been pounded by
other detector users using other brands. This detector is WITHOUT doubt
very "heavy on the arm" due to its poor balance it aint really heavy its
just not balanced right , i guess some kind of counter weight on the end of
the arm rest would be the way to get this machine to balance but not really
a practical idea. Minelab should get the balance problem sorted out on the
ex3 when it eventually appears.very Good depth. Looks real sleek and very
impressive with its flashy screens. If you like playing about with settings
and making lots of adjustments this machine is very "customisable" more so
than say an xlt Its very clever this detector- a TOTAL credit to its
designers . The people who designed this machine deserve a gold medal
because its A totally unique powerfull feature packed detector and very
clever at finding good targets from within trash.I really like this machine. No way will i ever sell this detector its a keeper for sure. Anyone who does not like this detector is dumb. I aint sure it would be suitable for beginners though as it is a complex machine to operate to full potential, beginners would be better of with the quattro to start with ,then move up to the ex2 once some experience is gained.
Overall Rating
Gary . from
Minelab Explorer....fact not hype
August 03, 2005
I have been detecting a number of years and have owned three different
Fisher machines. I still have the CZ-6 as a spare. I have also owned the
Garrett 2500, Sovereign, a Bounty Hunter and a couple of other machines.
The Explorer XS is the best I have found. The Fisher units find deep coins,
the Garrett is a heavy poorly balanced machine that did not fit my
detecting needs at all. The Sovereign is a great detector but is also heavy
and poorly balanced. Sure the Explorer XS has a steep learning curve but it
obviously can be learned by most people. After almost 4 years of use my
Explorer XS is the top of the line. I've never owned a White...but a friend
does and I think I made a better choice with the Explorer. Good hunting!
Overall Rating
Ron from
Georgia, USA
The Best.
July 02, 2005
Ignores Iron better than any other brand. The backlit lcd is a must at
night. Incredibly accurate discrimination..... the best. ....I've tried
top of the line models from Garrett and Fisher.... lots of cheapos
too....this is my favorite.detectorNo experience with white's though.
Cons: It is heavy...can't hip mount it....changing coils could be easier
I wish it was water proof
Overall Rating
Digitaltim from
June 27, 2005
I have been metal detecting since I was about 13 years old I am now 33. So
I have a few years under my belt...I have owned Whites metal detectors the
whole time. About a week ago I purchased a minelab ex II. So far I think
it is a great machine...It is a little heavy with the 10.5 coil. From what
I can tell pinpointing is not a problem it is usually right on the money.
So far the learning curve is a little steep but I don't mind it. I have
learned that when the machine reads pulltab that is probably what it is. I
have yet to try all the bells and whistles but like I said I am still
learning. I do still like my XLT and will probably keep it. I still have
my other detectors I never sell them. But so far so good I just have to
take the time to learn the machine and be patient
Overall Rating
James montgomery from