Garrett Ace 250
Price: $250
Based on 260 reviews
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Found gold at last
Overall Rating
Marty from
Pitt meadows canada
ACE 250 The Second Life
As a coin shooter the 250 was working fine but I wanted to get at deeper and older stuff. I started in a clean field that was known to have relics dating from the 1800's I looked for deep weak signals and dug. Most were iron but I dug anyway and found out that some that gave a foil or nickel response were actually high conductivity targets. The first was a 1914 dime. I'm digging about 8" on average now and bringing up some interesting stuff.
Overall Rating
Russfelix from
Tampa Fla.
Garrett 250 listen or look
I have found hundreds of coins since I got this machine, its not so good in wooded areas as the signal bounces about, this is mineralisation as their is sand 12 inches down, I can find 9 mm bullet heads around 8-12 inches down.
The detector is weighted well but would need the aditional pinpointer to make ease in woods. In all metal mode I wouldn't detect parks, I would only detect farmers fields, other than that I discriminate on very few readings.
Hope this helps.
Overall Rating
Andrew Coad from
Garrett Ace 250 Review
Now that is Winter, I have to wait for warmer temperatures and no snow on the ground to go Metal Detecting again. I really miss doing that.
I must say, this detector goes above and beyond my Bounty Hunter Discovery 2200, and my EDU Science combined. I just cant wait for Spring, so I can jump back to finding Coins and Relics. My G-ma & G-pa live in a small village in Nebraska, called Kennard. Every year, my whole family goes and Metal Detects with me all the way through Kennard. I usually find great things, (Mostly at the Kennard Park) such as: Coins, Car Parts, Bottles, Locks, Toys, and containers.
I really hope this season will fly by, so I can get back to detecting Kennard! I will always remember when my Uncle Kenny Metal Detected with me, it always made me a happy kid. I wish he was still here to go Metal Detecting with me, but he died. If you live in Nebraska, Kennard is a great place to Metal Detect! The Garrett Ace 250 is just a great detector for the price, and if you don't have a Metal Detector or want a better one, the Ace 250 is a wise decision.
Thank you for taking your time to read this, and I will write another Review in the Spring! Bye!
Overall Rating
Garrett from
Omaha, NE USA
A Mixed Day
After assembling the detector and getting my warm clothes on, I finally was prepared to head to the Port Aransas, Texas Beach.
I set the detector on relic mode and got a strong deep signal which bounced all over the screen. After digging for about 45 minutes with my plastic shovel I found a part of an old tin can in a 14 inch hole. I found 2 pull tabs and decided it was time to warm up and eat lunch. After lunch I went out to the beach again and got a super strong deep penny signal. After digging for quite a while the signal changed to the bottle-cap pull-tab range. After I saw the bottom of a can and was very disappointed.
My mom told me to come in and I got permission to go around the travel trailer. In about 2 minutes I found 6 quarters and Wesley, my 8 year old brother, found 1 quarter. After that I called it a day and decided to write my review. Overall this is a detector I plan to keep. I only gave it 4 stars because it doesn't have an aluminum target ID and doesn't come with a free pin-pointer or extra coils.
Overall Rating
Garrett Carll from
Carmine Tx (on hwy 290 halfway between Houston and Austin)
Two month test review and help for beginners.
One section alone has yielded 1,000+ coins. The rest of the pool may take me months. Keep in mind thousands of kids visited that pool every Summer since the 60's. That adds up to a lot of clad.
The beginner must focus to avoid loosing interest. I suggest setting only to find: penny, nickel, dime and quarter. This will also pick up gold rings and Sterling Sliver while avoiding most trash. NOTE: Most older pennies show up under dime so I just removed the penny setting!
Second, take down the power level to 3 which will go down about 4". Level 2 is great for mostly surface or near surface finds. Quick victories will allow you to enjoy the hobby more instead of digging 6" inches for just a penny as on the high setting.
Also having a pointer is a must. In my backpack I carry the Garrett 250, a pointer, a plastic spade, metal trowel (for thick grass)and a screw driver (though this sometimes marks coins). So what is out there you ask? Dream a little and go find out.
Overall Rating
PM from
San Antonio, Texas
Thanks Brody
Overall Rating
Marty from
Pitt meadows canada
Still This is an AWESOME machine!
I have used this machine for two seasons. It is a work horse. I have a lot of hours on this machine and it continues to work great. I live in the city and my search area is limited to parks and schools which I have re-visited several times.
I think some of my finds will speak to the capabilities of this machine. $800.00 clad. New find 1887 seated liberty dime. Several other silver coins. Fendi watch (buried about 3-4 inches). It did cost 78.00 to repair but it is a $500.00 watch. 18K/950 plat ring. Gold and silver rings, pendants, ear rings, gold bracelet etc. The list goes on.
If you want gold you need to dig those nickels and pull tabs if they are a steady signal. It does like deep iron so I exclude iron. People with 1000.00 machines dig pull tabs as well. For 200.00 or less this machine will pay for itself in no time. I love it.
Overall Rating
Melanie from
Indianapolis, IN
@Marty in Pit Meadows...
You are probably just in a spot where there really is nothing in the ground. Trust the machine, if something is there the ace 250 does a darn good job at finding it. I was out with a new detecting friend who just picked up the Whites DFX, and I was finding stuff he was passing up. You just have to have patience, turn the sensitivity down to around 4 and hunt in jewelry mode.
For the price the 250 is pretty kick ass!
Overall Rating
Brody from
Abbotsford, BC
Not as bad as I first thought
I first wished that I bought a fisher f2, but I'm sure I would have something to complain about, its like the old guys said you have to learn the machine you have, and listen to the sound, I don't have it down yet but I'm sure I'll get it right someday.
I haven't found any gold items yet but as long as I'm to lazy to dig pull tabs, I'll be happy to find anything of value. So if your new like me don't give up on your machine and I did find Canadian coins with this machine. Forget my first two bad reports on the garrett 250 I'm happy with it now.
Overall Rating
Marty from
Pitt meadows canada