Garrett Ace 250
Price: $250
Based on 260 reviews
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250 Garrett
Overall Rating
John walker from
Alliance ,oh
I like it
It paid for itself after the first time out when I found a gold medallion.
It is excellent for coins.
I usually run mine on jewelry mode (lookin for more gold).
Overall Rating
Tim from
Los Angeles
I can effectively set it so it only finds those two things and thats all it will do unless its a piece of silver which some dimes and quarters are. Great machine for the money. The 6x9 coil works perfectly and I intend on getting a 4.5 sniper for smaller target detection.
Overall Rating
James greenler from
Paso robles ca
You won't be disappointed
Someone mentioned that it is difficult to pinpoint with the elliptical coil. This is not true, but you do have to learn how to pinpoint with this machine. I will tell you how because this isn't in the instruction manual. Once you've pinpointed in the general area of the target, move it slightly off-side and release and quickly press pinpoint again. This will put the machine into a less sensitive range and you can pinpoint more tightly. Repeat as necessary. I show this to another hunter with the same unit for three years and he didn't know this trick. You can dig a coin 5 inches down with hole of only 2 inches diameter and not miss it.
I can recommend the ACE 250 without hesitation.
Overall Rating
Roland Latour from
Ontario, Canada
Better than detectors costing 4 times as much
After working with my granddaughter and trying to teach her the trick of the trade (so to speak), I realized that this ultra-light little machine worked better than machines I had used costing 4 times more than the Ace 250.
Because of my advanced age and increasingly painful arthritis, the ultra-light weight of the Ace 250 really appealed to me. The end result was that I bought one for myself.
After using my Ace 250 14 or 15 times this year, I discovered that I preferred this little gem over any of the other detectors I currently own including a brand new detector by another manufacturer that cost me over $800.00.
If I have anything even remotely negative to say about the Ace 250 it would be to note that you really need a set of headphones with adjustable volume controls because it tends to run quite loud (and I am hard of hearing). I have found and dug dimes at 6 to 8 inches deep and quarters at 8 to 9 inches deep with this little beauty.
I love the ease with which you can notch-out that which you don't want to deal with (e.g. Pull tabs, iron, etc) but if you are notching out pull tabs be aware that this is where gold will sound off at.
Would I recommend this to a friend . . . I did, I bought one for myself and a grandchild!
Overall Rating
Gramps from
Claremont, NH
Garrett Euro Ace(350)
Better for European Grounds(CM)instead of Inches.
This is the Best Low cost Garrett machine ever.
Price 350 Euro's.
Sure you have better Garrett's but that will cost you more, but the Euro Ace wont disappoint you. I love WW2 relic hunting in the Ardennes and its perfect.
Overall Rating
Paddy from
ACE 250!!!
Overall Rating
JB from
Eastern NC
Staten Island New York Loves the Ace 250
So off I went to South Beach for 3 hours of coin finding. Found a nickel in a few moments, and 2 quarters and a fist full of pennies.
I found real fast that the jewlery settings is best, still found pull tabs, sensitivity was knocked down 2 bars from full.
I thank you all for telling about how loud the 250 is, you really do need the adjustable volume headphones...even on jewlery It did say I found a coin but it was a nail...
Bottom line would I buy it aagain..Yes
Was it worth $212. Yes
The cool thing is in 3 hours of use, when scanning targetts, and the 250 chimes like the sound of a slot machine in Vegas, you really do smile...
Overall Rating
Big CT from
Staten Island, New York
I own the Ace 250 with Excelerator EQ2 Pro Coil.
I learn the hard way wit this machine, just like any machine you really need to spent time with it, over 40 hrs when it comes to the hard finds, if your lucky and you find an area that has not been sweep than it work right out of the box, for beginners more or less its a great machine, and for advance its also great but you need to learn all the types sounds and when its junk or not. I have found some of the best relics with this machine, but it has also given me fits at times.
When I say out of the box, this would be the stock machine with the 6.5 X 9" search coil.
I should sum this up like this:
Great, out of the box, parks and flat or some wooded but not to deep with leaves or brush.
LEARN, this machine will find relics and old coins every time. I have found silver & recently 6 civil war bullets! BUT, using the headphones made a HUGE difference, and you will learn that the first swipe usually is not accurate, its the second that tells you what it is, that's when you have to watch the lead on the second swipe, if it runs to junk its most likely junk, with few exceptions.
This machine is KING at the beach, I have the Fisher F2 with the stock coil, great machine but the Garrett with the bigger coil blows it away.
To much to really explain, this is like a science and you really need to learn from all the resources you can, watch videos, and for the Garrett read all his books, they are short and very easy to read they really helped me, you can find some here,
I hope I helped.
Overall Rating
Bill from
Starter detector that will grow with you
You can't beat the performance for the money. It cracks me up when people with other brands of detectors ask me to go over a piece of ground because they aren't sure if there is a target. Make sure you use headphones with an inline volume control or you'll go deaf. If it had a volume control I would give it a 5 out of 5.
Overall Rating
DJ from