Garrett Ace 250
Avg. Score:
Based on
260 reviews
Avg. Durability:

Avg. Ease of use:

Great detector for the money.
November 12, 2010
Had one of these for over 3 years, they are great detectors, easy to use,
brilliant first machine.
I've found a heap of coins, George II farthings, George III silver
shillings, Victoria pennies, Roman coins, silver rings, over £150 in
decimal money, also half a dozen crotal bells.
If you want a cheapish machine to start out in detecting, you will not go
wrong with one of these, just take your time learning the tones and don't
think your gonna find loads of things straight away. In my opinion one of
the best detectors for under £200.
Overall Rating

Jim the Dig from
November 07, 2010
I had this garrett ace 250 pile of junk for 2 days now and I hate it, I own
a minelab and a bounty hunter and used this pile 16 hours for 2 days to
learn it and trust me I learned it and it is a pile. The only reason I gave
it two stars is it goes pretty deep but the target id is way off, if you
buy one you will regret it.
My bounty hunter will smoke this thing.
It has no volume control so you have to listen to it go crazy all the time.
Overall Rating

The Ace 250
November 02, 2010
Hi! I just bought my 3rd metal detector, the Garrett Ace 250. This detector
has an "8 inch coil, but I have heard it can go even deeper. The
pinpointing works okay, you just need to get use to it for a while. I let
my grandma use this detector, she told me there was nothing in the country
land, but she proceded to find a Mecca Golden Egg, some old dimes, some old
nails, old beer bottle and Coca-Cola bottle lids, and a half-dollar coin.
This is a pretty good Metal Detector for the price. The best places to go
Treasure Hunting are beaches, parks, and old places. Good Luck!
Overall Rating

Garrett from
Omaha, NE USA
Not a good machine for finding canadian coins
November 01, 2010
I have benched tested the machine for Canadian coins and it doesn't I.D.
them as the machine is set up for u.s. coins. I should have gotten the
fisher 75 as it gives you a number for what it scans. The 250 you have to
dig everything, so you waist tons of time dinging garbage. So the 250 is no
good for Canada.
Overall Rating

Marty from
Pitt meadows canada
This works for me
October 23, 2010
I found it hard leaving my Descovery 1000 from Radio Shack. Though I did
select the 'coin' mode on my Garrett 250 I found myself moving back to my
old detector. My final soution was to go to 'custom' and only select
nichol, penny, dime and quarter and then bench tested the machine with
everything. The results were BETTER THAN EXPECTED! Detected all four
coins and still got good readings on: sterling silver, 10k and 14k gold and
ear rings. Still reads tops from soda cans and some kids rings. Using the
standard coin setting is just to broad and leads to wasted digging. Next
is better pin pointing.
Overall Rating

PM from
San Antonio, Texas
October 20, 2010
If any of your readers are having problems with the Ace 250 here is a
little tip that will help a lot. Always give this machine time to work
properly by swinging it several times in different directions over the
target and do not be afraid to use the discrimination at a higher setting
because you do not lose very much depth.
Also I like to run it in the all metal mode and listen to the tone ID for
greater accuracy. I have found as many nice things with the ACE 250 as I
have with detectors costing 3 times the money! HOPE THIS helps.
Overall Rating

W H Winfield from
Not that good
October 06, 2010
I wonder if garrett workers are the ones giving these good reviews. As I am
new to this sport and so far when the 250 says its coins i dig up just
junk. I have found one dime and three pennies with about four hours of
looking, the pointer that I paid 25.00 only works when if touches the
metal. I don't really think the 250 is any better than my old whites 3. I
wish someone would tell the truth about the 250 in these reviews.
Overall Rating

Marty from
Pitt meadows, canada
For the price it can't be beat
October 03, 2010
For the price this machine cannot be beaten. It's very easy to use,
batteries last a long time, and basically you can just turn this machine on
and your detecting.
I admit, I haven't found treasure worth millions yet, but I have made a few
decent finds. I needed a detector that can be easily taken apart because I
put mine in a holdal bag, so it travels in bits, goes detecting, and then
gets put back into the bag broken down. It handles that well, and I'm not
exactly light handed either. It's took a few knocks here and there but
still works perfectly.
All in all a very good detector. Ive read many people complain about the
pinpoint feature, but I have found the pinpoint works perfectly.
Overall Rating

Peter250 from
Awesome detector
September 25, 2010
Just received my ace 250 detector and love it. Had to get used to it for a
couple of days but it is the best detector ever. First it is easy to use I
don't need a bunch of settings to mess with you just turn it on and away
you go. Make sure you watch the video that comes with it its very helpful
info. But Garrett makes the finest detectors made today in this persons
opinion, I am sure others will disagree but this is my opinion. Sure theres
minelab and whites and others but this unit suits me fine. And you can add
other coils to the unit if you want to dig deeper. Me I am satisfied with
what I have now. So if you want a good unit that wont break the bank get
the Garrett Ace 250 its awesome.
Overall Rating

Geoffrey a nash from
Westerville, ohio
(One Year Update) 10 X 14 Excelerator search coil
September 03, 2010
I have been using the Ace 250 for a year now with good results. I posted a
review (Dr.Bellows Aug 29 2009). PS (My buddy gave the 2 NO's, when I
showed him the review). I still think its a great detector for the money. I
mostly relic hunt and wanted to cover more area at greater depth. I
purchased the 10x14 Excelerator search coil. I did a test garden and was
getting 3 to 4 more inches on all coins. I think it took my entry level
machine to the next level. Thanks,God Bless
Overall Rating

Dr.Bellows from